Hey there everyone! So I know that usually asks "is this rude?" 9 times out of 10 it is! I don't want to have poor etiquette so I thought I'd pose this question to you and see what your opinions are.
I know B lists are rude and I would never, ever dream of having one. That said, my FI and I are very aware of our max and we don't want to over-invite - but we also don't want to have too FEW people there (FI is SO worried about this, I could care less - I say who ever comes is awesome and will make us have a great time but...it's his wedding too).
So anyways - of course we won't have a B list, but I was wondering if it would be rude to send out the invites - we're only giving +1s to those in relationships (of any kind - new or old). If people are single, they don't get a +1 - but would it be rude to let a few people know they can bring guests if we start getting really low turnout? We'd just call up our single friends and be like "Hey! There's some more room - would you like to bring a date?". Is that bad? Thanks for your opinions - I really appreciate it!