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help plz- How to keep my hair color from fading...

Do you guys have any suggestions on ways to keep my color from fading?  Or what the best shampoo/coniditioner may be...or what to stay away from?

I finally have the perfect color- I LOVE it and want to make it last as long as I can=)

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Re: help plz- How to keep my hair color from fading...

  • Did you dye your hair yourself or have a stylist do it?  The stylist you used (if you used one) should be able to suggest a good product to prevent fading.  They're a little more expensive but might be worth it.

    I myself have used Herbal Essences and haven't noticed excessive fading when I've dyed my hair.  But I usually dye it just a few shades darker, so that may be why.
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  • Use a gentle shampoo and only wash your hair every other day.

    They make special shampoos that won't fade color.
  • edited April 2010
    Definitely use a salon type shampoo that is specifically for color treated hair. I have used Redken, Pureology, Matrix Biloage, Kerastase, etc. These are more expensive than drug store shampoos, but really do help maintain the color. Look for them online, from reputable sites, such as, or amazon and they will be cheaper than purchasing them from your salon. 

    Also, like pp said don't wash your hair everyday. I only wash mine about every other day. The less # of shampoos/washes you give your colored hair, the less the color will break down.  I use a dry shampoo on in between days if my hair is looking flat. 

    I also don't use really hot water on my hair. I don't know if that is a "proven" thing, but I just feel like my hair looks and feels better when I use warm water and not HOT water. 
  • Look for a sulfate free shampoo.
  • i use Wen cleansing conditioner. it's a little pricey but imo well worth it. i love it because it doesn't fade the color, it's natural, and it allows me to get some moisture back into my hair. i have fine hair so i do not use conditioner at all. i se the Wen stuff probably twice a week and it's great. i use herbal essences the other days and i don't get a lot of fading.
  • I agree, use a color safe shampoo and wash every other day.  Also, don't wash it in really hot water.  That will just make it fade faster.
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  • Thanks ladies!!!
    I alreayd use a "color protector" shampoo...but now that my color kicks a** I dont' want to take any chances.  ONLY THE BEST for my lovely dark brown locks=)

    judge the non-traditional, pop their happy little wedding balloons... and sleep better tonight for you have made the world a better place.
  • Try Loreal's (the maker of Kerastase) new sulfate free line.  They have one called EverPure that is formulated to protect color. 
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  • I love my Redken color protecting shampoo & conditioner.  Like PP said, only wash it every other day.  When you rinse, use cool water.  Also, Redken makes a product that you put on it before you blow dry or use curlers that helps prevent the heat from fading your color.  
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