So we still have a few years till our wedding so I hope we can figure things out, but we have already set up our guest list and I am hoping we can cut some numbers somewhere. FI and I were hoping no more than 200 people, but we are at 230 right now. If we take second cousins off that will be about 215 so at least a little better. But I was talking to FMIL the other day and she told me that there are family friends who she has just been telling them they are invited when FI says he doesn't even know the people. Do I just let her figure it out with them and tell her that there is no more inviting others because they are not invited and that she needs to be the one to talk to these guest she has already invited and tell the. There has been a mistake.
I just wake up upset about things she does or goes behind our back to do and it hurts me that FI just tells me to calm down and not worry about it. He doesn't like that she does this either, but he doesn't know how to tell her no.
Is it crazy for me to randomly get upset or wake up upset about things she does? I have already been going to a therapist because of issues with her and I am happy my appt is on Thursday because it has been bugging me all day.
Another thing she did, she told me that at the reception she wants her parents to sit at the same table with her. They have been divorced for 20yrs and hate each other so FI and I told her no, that is not happening, she went behind our backs and told them to work things out because they will be at the same table with each other at the wedding. I confronted her right away when she told me this and I told her that is not her choice and is something only FI and I need to discuss with them. She said she understood, but I am still just upset that she did that when we were very clear with her the first time that that was not happening.
Ugh, just upset, thanking for listening!