I posted this to The Nest also, but I need as much advice as I can get.
I am a first year teacher, just graduated university in December. I felt so lucky to have found my first teaching job at a small local Catholic school teaching Spanish, Music, Computer, and Enrichment (which is basically almost like being a teacher's aide for the last hour of the day). After about 3 weeks of being on the job, I am starting to feel not so lucky. I know that I should just be grateful that I have a job at all, but I am so overwhelmed that I just don't know what to do.
First of all I teach 3 subjects for which I am the primary teacher, meaning I do all the planning. I teach music and Spanish K-8, giving me 18 separate preps on those subjects alone. I also teach computer for K-4, adding on another 5 preps. And if the other teachers decide that I need to plan lessons as part of my Enrichment duties, that adds on another 3 preps. That totals up to 23 preps required, 26 if the other teachers decide to give them to me.
I am new to this field, so I am inexperienced anyway, and on top of that I was not certified as an elementary teacher OR in any of these subjects (my certification is for high school English). Is it normal to have so many preps in elementary school? Student teaching in a high school I only had 2 preps and the most that any teacher had was 3. I was also given almost no information regarding curriculum for my current job, so I am creating my own completely from scratch, which I did not know that I would have to do when I took the job. Because of repairs to the building I was not able to even see the textbooks until about a week before school began. I am lost. I am overwhelmed. I am getting severely depressed because I do not think that I have the capability to do this job as well as my students deserve. I hate to sound whiny or lazy, but I am really at a loss.
What should I do?