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Hotel Problem :(

I  just found out the world's largest boat show is the same week as my wedding...  and no hotels will reserve rooms for my out of town guests unless they agree to stay extra days.

Many of my guests are on tight budgets and will not be able to afford this.  Any ideas??? I am so overwhemled!

Re: Hotel Problem :(

  • Eek, these are the things you should check for when setting your date.  Obviously you can't do anything about that now, so yeah...I would probably look into changing your date if you can.

    Is it that guests can't reserve rooms for only one night, or you can't BLOCK rooms for only one night?

    If rooms can still be reserved, and you can't change the date, I would get hotel information along with an explanation about the situation (including something about running the risk of having no rooms if they wait too long) our to your guests ASAP. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I wish we could help you but the Knot ate your post.
  • edited January 2012
    Oh weird!

    Ok, here is what happened:  My wedding happens to be scheduled the same week as the "world's biggest" boat show, and because of this I am finding that hotels will not accomodate my out-of-town guests unless they stay extra nights.  Since many of my guests are on tight budgets (both time and money), this is not an option.... and I am totally overwhelmed trying to figure this out.

    Any ideas?

  • edited January 2012
    When my brother married his now ex-wife when I was in elementary school I remember the bridal party (which i was part of as the flower girl!) stayed at the brides house and the groomsmen stayed at my parents house with my brother. 

    If  there is anybody locally going to the wedding, and you aren't having a whole ton of out of town guests, then maybe you arrange for out of towners to stay with them just for the wedding weekend? I know it's kind of an awkward situation but I'm not really sure what else to suggest.

    I hope somebody else can suggest something and that this situation works out for you!
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