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Wrong ring size (PRE-engagement)???

I accidentally found my engagement ring (seriously, who hides it in their dresser drawer, out in the open when his girlfriend always puts his clothes away for him?) and it's the wrong size!  How can I let him know before he proposes without letting him know I found the ring??  I know he'll be crushed if it doesn't fit and I told him my size a million times since we started talking marriage.  I also want to wear my ring right away, too! :)  Advice appreciated.  Thank you!!

Re: Wrong ring size (PRE-engagement)???

  • xoxobxoxob member
    If you told him a million times, maybe it's for someone else.

    I'm sure it isn't but I can't believe you not only opened the box but you tried it on!? Tsk tsk.

    You definitely should not say anything and just get it resized when he decides to propose.
  • I don't see where she says the ring is too big... maybe it's too small and that is why she's worried she won't be able to wear it as soon as she gets it. Having said that, snooping is bad thing.
  • xoxobxoxob member
    Can rings that are too small be resized, too?

    ...still can't believe she tried it on. (insert stereotypical mother like wagging of finger)
  • Yes, rings that are too small can usually be made bigger. If it's only a little bit too small they can usually do it while you wait.
  • xoxobxoxob member
    That's good then!
  • I'm still kind of shocked that not only did you find the box (I'm assuming it was closed since it was in a drawer) but you opened it AND tried the ring on. Don't you think that your boyfriend would have wanted to see your face when you saw the ring, and see it the first time it was on your finger?

    Anyway, you keep quiet and act suprised. Show it off for a few days (big or small - you can wear it on your pinky ;) and then send if off the be sized.
  • Yes you do not tell him. Get it resized after he proposes. And dont tell him you found it, men pride on thinking they suprised us
  • i would have tried it on too haha i know its bad but ladies my self control goes out the window ;) but i agree just act surpised, your jewelry store could rush it to get resized b/c for all you know he has a specific way to propose that might need to happen at a certain time and he cant get it resized... He will still be nervous to ask dont make him worry more b/c its too big - and early congrats!
  • Please try to forge that you found it and let alone tried it on.  Who says he didn't order it in your size and the store screwed up?  
  • I knew when my FI got my ring, he isn't a very good liar. I never will tell him that I knew that he bought it though, I wouldn't want to hurt him or take away from his enjoyment of the surprise.

    Don't over think this or it will ruin the moment. Be happy that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. That is more important than the ring :)
  • I didn't even look at it, let alone try it on.  Such judgmental people on this board!  I saw the receipt/paperwork on top of the bag and the one thing bolded besides the store name was "SIZE: 8.5" and I'm a size 9. 

    Thanks for those ladies who actually gave advice WITHOUT judgment and rudeness. :)  And to those who were rude and judgy and even out-right ridiculous, shame. 
  • Congrats on not looking!
     I knew about mine and even picked it out with FI. Unfortunately we got an awesome deal at Zales online on Christmas day so we ordered my ring in the "standard size" since I knew I didn't want to wait to get it.  FI had planed to pick it out together and actually propose on Christmas Eve, but after shopping several stores I asked him to wait for the online sale I knew about from a friend.  The entire website went 30% off, plus I had a $50 off $300 coupon that we used, all in all my ring ended up being over 50% off!
    The ring came FED-Ex to my SIL's house, since we were both working and unable to get it delivered to either workplace. She made me promise not open the ring until I got it home and he got it first some he could propsoe with it. Talk about hard, I carried that ring around in the car with me ALL DAY while I saw patients and had to wait!
    Are you a true 9 or a loose fit 9? I'm a true 5, but I like a 5.5 since my fingers tend to swell during the day and esp with weather changes.
    Just a thought!
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  • dont ruin his surprise. he would probably be more crushed that you find your ring that it being the wrong size. my local jeweler has resized rings for me in under 30 minutes. no big deal
  • Couple things.  First, my FI proposed our first night on vacation in St. Thomas, and the ring was about two sizes too small, so for the whole trip, I wore it on my pinky finger :)  It's not a big deal, you'll just have to go without it for a couple days while it's resized.  Second, agree with PPs - you must act surprised, and even bring on the waterworks if you can.  Third, if you thought THESE responses were rude and judgmental, you have NO IDEA what you're in for!!!!  My advice to you is to lurk, lurk, lurk on these message boards if you don't want to be ripped to shreds.
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  • Don't say anything. My fiance surprised me when he proposed and picked out he ring all alone, it was great except that it was about a size too big. I went to get it re-sized a week later and they got it done in about twenty minutes. Act surprised! Like a PP said, guys like to think they surprised us!!
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