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Question, 2nd thoughts?

I wasn't even sure which category to post this in, just curious if you and fiance have gotten into a fight or something just happened where you want to break off the engagement but feel that it's too late, like you'd be emberassed to call off the wedding at this point?  I've read how engaged couples are stressed out more than usual, etc. But just curious if any of you have had 2nd thoughts at one point?

Re: Question, 2nd thoughts?

  • um no, no i haven't. and while yes planning a wedding can be stressful, it's not that stressful. if you're having second thoughts maybe it's time to address those. it's never too late.  
  • No second thoughts about him, just sometimes my dress.  It's never too late.  Too many women ignore their instincts to try to keep others happy.  Focus on your future. Cold feet are one thing.  Second thoughts are something else.
  • We still have a year to go, but my FI and I have had maybe 2 real fights in the 3 and a half years we have been together.  All i can suggest is having a sit down with your FI and trying to get to the route of everything.  Maybe you will realize that the way he folds his clothes or the way you make the coffee isn't the's just the stress.  If it is more than that, then I don't think you should go through with a wedding because you are embarassed.

    My cousin called off her wedding a week before.  It sucked for everyone (NYers traveled to FL for wedding), but no one was upset...and now she is happily married to a man she loves.  You have to look at the big picture.
    imageimageVacation Till our honeymoon!!!
  • I totally agree with the previous posters. Talk it over with your friends. Ultimately the decision is yours. However, it is always good to have discourse about the subject matter prior to acting. Do not mistake cold feet for second thoughts or vice versa. It is never too late! (However, don't leave him at the altar!) Best wishes!
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  • No.  And if I did have second thoughts I would rather break an engagement then end up divorced or unhappily married. 
  • While I had more than my share of angry or upset moments during the wedding planning process I never once considered breaking things off.

    If you are having serious doubts you need to confront it issue head on.  Don't worry about what others will think of your decision.  Better have others gossip about you for a few days (and then after that you'll be old news) than marry someone you don't really love and have it turn messy later. 
  • Fights are normal.  Every couple disagrees about something.  But if you are truly having second thoughts, you need to figure this out.  If you think calling off a wedding is embarrassing and expensive, imagine getting divorced.  

    Check out  It's pretty much all people that ended their engagements.  
  • No second thoughts, but did have a few stupid fights a while back. I think the fighting thing is fairly normal. But I agree pretty much with what pp's said. I would take some time to really think things over and sit down and talk to your FI as well. And then make your decision. Ending it now is much cheaper than divorce in a few years.
  • I've never had second thoughts. The stress from planning a wedding is just like any other stress in our relationship. It's all normal & we talk about our problems if there are any. If you are having second thought it's never to late and don't be embarassed. It's better you decided it now then after you get married. Marriage is very hard & it's something you have to work on together every day (sorry we've been taking our premarital classes) Talk it over with your girlfriends or even your FI & your mom.
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