So the other day while I was babysitting, the little girl I was watching started pointing at my left hand. I was holding her doll so I assumed thats what she wanted. When I offered her the doll, she pushed it back to me and kept pointing to my hand. So finally I turned my hand around to look at the back when I saw it....the center stone feel out of my engagement ring!!!!!!
Immediately I felt sick to my stomach and started freaking out. We had just gotten back from the natural history museum (where we were digging in sand, climbing rock walls, etc). This stone could be anywhere!!! Luckily enough, the stone had only fallen out in the little girls kitchen and the light was hitting it just the right way for me to find it pretty quick. As soon as I found it I started crying. I was so mad! I've only had the ring for 4 is it supposed to last me a lifetime if it cant last 4 months?????
We took the ring right back to Jared's and I flipped. Come to find out...they KNOWINGLY sold it to FI with the wrong setting in it!!! WHAT???!!! You sell a $2500 diamond with the wrong setting because you're too lazy to put the right one in??? My stone is cushion cut which apparently needs a slightly different setting and they just decided to use the standard setting because they thought it would be ok. Well it wasnt and I am so mad. Luckily, FI had the service plan and insurance all ready to go and they fixed it the next day but really? That shouldnt have happened.
Did any of you girls have problems with your rings early on?