The date is set for Friday, August 13th. We have it narrowed down to 2 locations, one outdoors and one indoors. But he won't make a final decision on which one he wants and it's putting a hold on everything else that comes afterwards... like rentals. The outdoors location will require rental of chairs, tables and a tent in case of rain. The indoor location has chairs and tablees, but requires linen rentals.
And of course, I can't send out invitations until a location is chosen. It's just frustrating. He says he doesn't have time to think right now. In his defense--He works full time Monday-Friday, then goes to Paramedic night classes 3 nights a week from 5-10pm and does mandatory ambulance shifts on weekend. Luckily though, he graduates from that the first week of May so all that will be over.
My question is, should I just hold off until he graduates and then make him dive into this full force, find some way to get him to make a decision now so the next month won't be just time wasted, or what? Help!