New Hampshire

Argh, Boys!

Mini Rant:  DH and I have a standing "date night" with another couple. When I got home from work DH told me that one of his single guy friends might show up. I didn't think much of it - he wouldn't crash date night. Well we showed up to our usual date night spot and there was the couple we go out with and TWO of DH's guy friends. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! I was a bit perturbed but tried to play nice - these guys are not my favorite people. One of them has a habit of negating everything I say the other one is horrible to his GF. Who friggin crashes date night?!?!? LAME!

Re: Argh, Boys!

  • edited December 2011
    PS - DH did not invite this single friend - DH told him what he was doing tonight (they work together) and "friend" mentioned maybe he would go for beers.
  • edited December 2011
    Seriously.. FI had a friend who did this to us recently! Hello, do you really want to be the 5th wheel?Want to talk about Argh, Boys.. we got an RSVP from one of FI's college friends and he is bringing another one of their mutual friends who wasn't invited to the wedding.  Yes a guy is bringing another guy to our wedding.. and no they are not gay!  He is just bringing a friend to bring a guest!  I could not get over this one.. and they are both getting the more expensive meal of course!We didn't have many problems with our write in's or anything until this!
  • edited December 2011
    Wow!! That's nuts Haley!Ok - I'll continue my story from earlier. So, DH tells me that uninvited friend #1 was all distraught at work today because we have not cashed his check yet. Well - SMART ONE - you wrote the check out to Mrs. AND Mr. B - so no cashing until I change my name.Then we get to dinner and Uninvited Friend #2 says, "When do you guys plan on cashing my check?" He did the same thins as #1. And now he wants to write us a new check because we are not cashing it soon enough.Should have gone to the ATM. A$$holes! Phew - I feel better.
  • AmyLou09AmyLou09 member
    edited December 2011
    Boys are Dumb.  Throw Rocks at Them.hehehe seriously though.  boys are such a weird breed!  Sorry you ladies are having to deal with some real gems

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Are ya kidding me? They asked you why you didnt cash the check? Who are these people? I would just tell them to shut up! I cant deal with stupid/rude people. I have no use for them.
  • edited December 2011
    Amanda - Ha ha, I know right?Haley - these guys are probably planning on using your wedding as a dating/hook-up service. Warn your single ladies! ;)
  • rco118rco118 member
    edited December 2011
    Ugh!  How awkward all the way around.  Did they want to go out with you JUST to ask about the checking cashing??????  Jeesh.  Phone calls and emails work too!
  • Steffy3217Steffy3217 member
    edited December 2011
    Wow... way to be jerks.. What part of  (and I'm sure E said it) "Going out with my wife and another couple" wasn't clear enough. And to ask when you're going to cash the check... you gave it, deal until it's ready.   On a side note, I thought I was going to run into the same issue with names on the check, but if you and DH have a joint account, you'll be fine to cash them whenever you're ready.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh what stupid boys... I am sure they felt awkward though as they were not a couple like the rest of you haha And how rude about the check cashing question! They're fault for being dumb!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Steffy - we do have a joint account. They still said we have to wait. That may just be our banks policy though.
  • sands0220sands0220 member
    edited December 2011
    Gabs, I'm surprised your bank wouldn't let you cash the checks until you changed your name.  ours just made me sign each check twice--once with my married and once with my maiden (a pain but at least it got done) and we didn't even have a joint account (it was dan's).  if we'd had to wait there would have been a whole lot of angry people waiting to have their checks cashed!!  :)
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