I just had to share because I was very excited... so I like to enter contests for WR things that I find on blogs and such (only for things I actually want or need). I never win anything, but I figure if I enter contests from now until the wedding I am bound to win once right? Well....I won two contests in a matter of 3 weeks!!! The first was a set of Bride & Groom Journals...where you fill out memories of each other and can exchange them as wedding gifts. I got them today. There not as nice as I hoped, but I think I will dress it up with some photo's or something before I give it to FI for our anniversary this year (so he can fill it out and we can exchange on our wedding). Well today after a long night of shopping for e-pic clothing and coming up with NOTHING. I was feeling very down, because I have had such a hard time finding clothing lately... I got home to an email that said I won another contest! And this time its something I LOVE! haha here is the link to the contest: [url]
http://bit.ly/vEnOh[/url] Its for a custom canvas with or without words.... They liked my idea and how FI proposed ...My entry was: "These are beautiful! Such a nice giveaway

My Idea: My fiance proposed to me after a scavenger hunt where I got cards with clues inside to lead me to my next spot. The clues were all cute and rhymed, and were about our past years together. I would get all of the quotes on the canvas with a photo from either our wedding, or engagement session." SO needless to say I am so happy right now!!! And I feel like my luck is turning and maybe I will find a job soon! (And FI will get the job he interviewed for that I am now OK with). Yay!!! Sorry its kinda long, I am happy haha