New Hampshire

Plans for the week...

What are they?? Can be WR or NWR...
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Re: Plans for the week...

  • Mrs BabsMrs Babs member
    edited December 2011
    WR: ~Get parents gifts wrapped ~Get BM gifts wrapped ~Get GM gifts wrapped. ~Harass GM about tuxes I'm sure theres more.... NWR: ~Get rid of this stupid tendinitis so I can get out of this sling ARG!
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  • ddumireddumire member
    edited December 2011
    My brother is getting married on Saturday.  So I plan to come back with lots of ideas.  Also taking a mini vacation on the way there to visit some wineries in Niagara on the Lake.  I also get to see my new nephew so I'm bringing my sister bigger baby clothes too. (he was 9lbs 5oz.!)
  • dls.1215dls.1215 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    WR: -Hopefully booking transportation -Print out e-pics for our cardbox so it can be done! -Working on paper products NWR: -Getting furniture and organizing FI's room at his house so there is room for me to move in AND room for all our wedding stuff!
    April 2010 January SC - Favorite Picture from the Holidays
    DH & I at the Light Festival


  • edited December 2011
    WR-- Thursday we have our tasting (yum, yum)- I need to purchase a bra- Fi's lovely GM have informed him he needs a passport for the B-Party so we have to look into that.- Thank you cards for the presents we've received.NWR-- Going to a concert in MA Saturday night, that's about it
  • edited December 2011
    WR- Looking for a cute dress for Anises wedding. NWR- Turning 30 on Thursday...
  • edited December 2011
    WR- Second shower on Sun   Must buy wedding shoes and undergarments this week   Buy stickers for OOT bags   Figure out pictures to put in guestbook NWR- hike in White Mtns with FSIL
  • AmiG41209AmiG41209 member
    edited December 2011
    WR: ~ Cutting paper that will become invitations and table numbers~ Experimenting with a centerpiece design~ Working on my address sheetNWR:~ purging my stuff to (hopefully) move next weekend~ taking a first time home buyers class so I can close on my new townhouse!
  • FireDancer04FireDancer04 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    WR- finishing my will you be my maid/maton of honor cards NWR - best friends wedding on saturday so making sure I have everything I need and packed by friday morning so i don't have to return to my appt after the rehersal dinner.
  • edited December 2011
    WR: Rounding up all the tardy RSVP's! Start figuring out the seating assignments.. uggh! Score and fold the paper for the prgrams. NWR: My best friend is getting married this weekend on the cape so heading down there Thursday for her wedding weekend! 
  • Luv2Cook27Luv2Cook27 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    WR: ~ Continue the search for my dress       ~ Cut Paper for invites       ~ Work on Pomander IdeasNWR: ~ Make sure I get to the gym this week.
    Wedding Bio

  • Starfish724Starfish724 member
    edited December 2011
    I have nothing WR planned this week (and I'm very happy about it.)NWR: I have to find a dress for my sister's wedding which is about two weeks away.
  • ericcaahericcaah member
    edited December 2011
    nothing WR this week - i'm on vacation, and REALLY looking forward to a week at the beach with FI, friends, and family and relaxing for once :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    WR:  Selecting tuxes, and getting FI fit.Getting addresses on labels to send out invites - early.Schedule e-pics - then praying the weather cooperates.Figure out when to get marriage license!!!Exchange FI's wedding band for one that actually fits...NWR: spend time with friendsPay lots of billsClean my houseget organizedKeep on working out...Busy week!
  • edited December 2011
    WR:  My STD business cards came in the mail today!  Woohoo!! So now I need to buy magnets to put on the back of them.  Also need to start my will you be my bridesmaid album - finished MOH.  Hopefully the iron on decals for MOH and Bridesmaids will come soon so I can iron them on the tanks I bought them to go with the invites.NWR:  Turbo Kick tomorrow afternoon, personal training on Wed, Turbo Jam Thursday morning, and Italian Festival in Boston on the weekend!
  • edited December 2011
    WR - Looking for a new DJ (UGH) - Calling to find out where the heck my dress is, I have only waited almost 8 months for it. - Taking my nephew who is playing our ceremony music to "audition" at the church... stupid but it has to be done - getting my invites weighed to send out soon - making an appointment with the florist. NWR - Picking up my bro from the airport on Friday - hanging out with my brothers and sister all weekend - cleaning - boooooootcamp
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