So my fiance and I got engaged in August of 2010---and our wedding is in two weeks. We knew his little brother was gonna be proposing to his girlfriend sometime this year (they were planning to get married next summer), so we had asked both his brother and his parents to just please hold off the engagement until our wedding is done. I just really felt like this was our turn to be in the spotlight for just a short time. Was that too much to ask?
Well anyway, come to find fiance just told me last night that his brother told him that they "secretly" got engaged last Monday. REALLY!? They couldn't have waited two weeks? It was like a slap in the face to me. Because clearly, he has no respect for us, and isn't even mature enough to honor our wishes. He barely turned 21 last month. It just all seems so ridiculous because since they couldn't wait TWO weeks, now they're keeping it a secret. What was the point of getting engaged?! And now I'm in this awkward situation that they put me in, because I know they're keeping it a secret because of me, but at the same time they really could have waited. I have no idea what I'm even supposed to say to them when I see them. Oh ya, they're both in the wedding party. So no avoiding that.

Am I being ridiculous? I honestly feel bad that they're keeping it a secret, but on the other hand, they chose that when they knowingly got engaged early.