My ear drum ruptured on New Years Day (due to an ear infection that I didn't know I had). I went back to the doctor January 25th and she said the hole was healed up nicely. I told her I couldn't hear very well out of it and she did some weird exam with some device in each ear. The machine printed out the results and I had passed the good ear and failed the ruptured ear.
I'm supposed to go back at the end of the month, but all today there has been this constant boomboomboom in my ear. It sounds like when they do a fetal heartbeat and it is in rhythm with my heart. It just sounds/feels so weird!
Anyone experienced this? I plan to call tomorrow, but it is so annoying I can't get over it right now! I have a cold also and now I'm worried I have some sort of infection again because the last time I only felt pain about 10 minutes before it ruptured.
Ugh, help