Chit Chat

Dividing up help

Right now everyone wants to help us wedding plan.  We are 5 months out from our wedding and I have no problem inlisting everyones help but I don't know what to ask for.  We are currently in Florida while the wedding will be in ohio.  and we won't be there till about 3 weeks before the wedding.  There are basically two "parties" that want to help.  My side (mom and sister)  His side (mom and sister) each is also doing their own shower.
I want to give them stuff to do but have no idea what, or how to split it between the sides so that no one is offended.  All our vendors our booked and dresses picked that is about it.  Any suggestions as to tasks I could give out?

Re: Dividing up help

  • TiffannieFTiffannieF member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited February 2012
    That's great people are volunteering to help!  I agree with djhar's advice.  I had people ask to help but I didn't want to offend so I just did everything myself. 
    November 2011 Siggy Challenge: The First Kiss
    Fall Wedding Bio
  • Do you need help?

    My wedding was OOT also, but I didn't really need any help until the week of.  Even then it was not a lot to divide up, so I mostly did it myself. Or people would help me because they happen to be around.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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