New Hampshire

Invite Address?

We are heading to a family event on the FI's side tomorrow and I'm thinking of bring the invitations to give to some of the people there. Do you think that this would be tacky? TIA~

Re: Invite Address?

  • edited December 2011
    Yes. All invites should be mailed out.
  • Steffy3217Steffy3217 member
    edited December 2011
    I have to agree with Gabs. If it was the rehearsal dinner or brunch, then I'd be ok with it, but for the actual wedding invite, they should be mailed. Plus someone is bound to forget it or ruin it.
  • ninnypooperninnypooper member
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    We mailed all of our wedding invites, even the ones for our parents. Now, the STDs and RD invites, I only mailed the ones I knew I wouldn't be seeing soon.
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