It's been a long week and while I got great news today (my dress arrived!) I am feeling blue...and, well, ugly.
To get it out there, this is not your typical "oh woe is me, I'm insecure" whining. On a normal day, I am a bouncy love-myself kind of lady. But, I have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa and I am sitting here in EXTREME pain under my right arm and on my left groin. I have to go in for a 5th pointless surgery soon and I am so so so so so tired of the scars that decorate my body. Long 4in puckered purple angry marks. How on earth can my fiance find that attractive? And where there aren't scars there are sinus tracks, lumps, and literal HOLES accenting the whole deal.
Ugh. I need a hug ladies. I hate to sound whiney and pathetic but my sweetie is out with The Boys tonight and I just need...compassion.