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Updated Knot Website - Can't figure out RSVP's

Well the title says it all... I can't figure out how to add my responses... and they are flying in!  HELP!  Also, I want to change my location on my profile... it says my  name and then Jamaica... we aren't going anywhere close to there (lancaster, pa is our new 'destination')


Re: Updated Knot Website - Can't figure out RSVP's

  • You are showing Central PA for me!

    If I were you, I'd enter my RSVPs in an Excel spreadsheet rather than the Knot toolkit.   The Knot's been having some technical difficulties lately and brides have lost their entire guestlist.  I used it, but that was over a year ago, and I guess it's changed since then.  All I did was click on the guest's name and hit the radio button for "yes" or "attending" or whatever it said. 
  • I hate the new guestlist format. Wish I never would have hit "update" because you can't revert back to the old.
  • Same here. Ugh. I loved the old one.
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    Matt & Kelly
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