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Help, what to do about FI's best man/party

FI's best man got married last fall and FI was his best man then.  FI did a great job planning his bachelor party and they all had fun.  Now our wedding is 2 months away and the best man hasn't said anything about planning a party for FI.  I know FI's feelings are hurt, he mentioned to me today that the best man hasn't said anything to him about a party.  I don't know what to do.  Should I mention something to the best man?  We aren't really friends (his wife and I had a falling out last fall and do not really speak much though we are cordial to each other).  I don't know what proper etiquette is in this situation.  Thanks, any advice is welcome.

Re: Help, what to do about FI's best man/party

  • remind your FI that your lives are drenched with wedding thoughts plans timelines to do lists, tastings fittings meetings etc. so the wedding is on the brain non stop for you, not so much for all your guests and even WP, dont take it personally if the wp doesnt talk about their thoughts or plans this far in advance.

    2 months is a LONG time for the average male party planning brain, so dont worry about it.

    if it gets within like 3 weeks and no mention, its your FIs place to address the bach party plans. he can plan it himself too.
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  • Thanks guys.  I guess I am just worried about FI being disappointed.  I don't have great faith in his best man, he has disappointed me in the past with his behaviour (he does not treat his animals well and as an animal professional it is a very sore spot with me).  But, he is FI's friend so I'll let FI handle it.
  • Unfortunately, I agree with the PP's.  There isn't much you can do about this and 2 months is a long time for planning.

    I think the only reason that Robert's B-party was planned as well as it was is because my Dad was involved AND the guys all have ridiculous work schedules so they had to plan in advance.
  • Men wait until the last possible minute!
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