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Realtor question

FI and I are closing on our house next month.  Our realtor has been amazing throughout the entire process and we planned on sending her a nice thank you card when all is said and done.  Question is, should we include a gift as well?  
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Re: Realtor question

  • I am pretty sure her commission is gift enough, but if you really wanted to send her something you could send her a $50 gift card for dinner somewhere along with a thank you card.

  • Maybe just a gift card to a nice resturant or something I'd think. No need to go too crazy, but showing some appreciation is always nice. 

    We didn't get our realtor anything. Mostly because we never "hired" him. He was the listing agent for the house we wanted and we just called him up and said "we'd like to go see X listing of yours because we intend to buy it". He wrote up the contracts and did the negotiations since he represented both side, but he wasn't present for our closing or anything. We did a lawyers only closing and the whole process took us less than a month. 
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  • A gift card to a nice restaurant sounds great - thank you!  I wasn't sure if we should do something more along the lines of a bottle of wine, but think the gift card will show our appreciation a bit more.  We did kind of drive her crazy...
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  • We really liked our realtor but did not give him a gift. I know it's never requried to get anyone a gift, but I feel like he was making a pretty good commission (I'm friends with a REA in this area so I do have a really good idea of what they make on commission). I also asked a few friends who had bought houses and none of them had gotten their REA gift. Having said that, you could if you really wanted to. Maybe a gift card to a local restaurant?

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  • When I bought my house, my realtor mentioned that the best gift I can give her was to give her to card to people needing a realtor. And I do.
  • Great points - thank you!  I have already been recommending her to friends and I will definitely continue to do so.
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