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Random: How to delete an un-read post

I just FAQ-searched and confirmed for myself that I am able to delete a post, so long as it has not received any replies... which I'm now trying to do, but for some reason, I can't find where the "Delete" button is.. does it not exist?  Am I missing something silly?  Have a post that I decided I'd rather not have posted, and no one has replied yet, luckily.  I know I can "edit" it away, but I'd rather just delete it.. 

Help appreciated!  :)  Thx

Re: Random: How to delete an un-read post

  • You can't delete.  You can edit to make the text go away. 

    RIP Dr. Irving Fishman - 10/1/19-7/25/10 - thank you for holding on for me.
    You made my wedding day complete.
  • Really?  on the FAQs it says that if you want to delete, you can, but only if no one has replied to the post directly, but if they have that then you'd have to just edit away.  :/  Hmm.. oh well.  Guess I'll just edit away then.  Thanks.  :)
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