Chit Chat


I've never asked for good vibes before on here, but I need them now! I'm 48 hours out from my wedding and yesterday everything fell apart. Well, maybe not EVERYthing but it feels like it. First, a crazy snow storm hit and so now the rehearsal and dinner may be cancelled today because of the icy roads. Of course, safety is first and foremost so if it has to be cancelled so be it. I just would have really loved to get everyone together to run through everything and we had a really nice dinner planned as well.

Then one of our photographers found out he has to work at his other job this Saturday so now he had to get his friend to fill in for him with his wife. He says shes great, but its making me a bit nervous.

Finally, last night at 10pm my FI called and said that he had been removed from his account at work and that he didn't get laid off but that they have to find him a new site to work at (he does security) and that could mean a massive pay cut. So now we dont know where hes going to be working, or anything. We had just gotten into a routine where things were looking up after we hit a really hard patch of unemployment and now things are back up in the air.

I'm trying to keep it together but now it feels like these things are overshadowing what is supposed to be a really happy time. If anyone out there could send me some hopeful vibes that would be much appreciated!
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