My mom is a psych patient. She was fine when I was a kid, but since I was a teen she has been very unstable, can't find a medication combo that works, etc. Well the last few weeks she has been depressed and hallucinating, almost catatonic at times. My dad and my mom's psychiatrist were adjusting her meds and trying to stabilize her at home without her going to the hospital. Well yesterday my mom overdosed on her psych meds (either because she was trying to get better faster or because the voices in her head told her too). She is now in the icu getting medically stabilized before they figure out what the next step is for her, probably inpatient psych.
In real life I only told a few close friends yesterday what had happened. I was so annoyed when I told a few friends what had happened and their first response was "well maybe your mom needs more education on how to take her meds" or "maybe your mom needs to learn which meds not to take at the same time as other meds." People just don't seem to understand that my mother was mentally not responsible for her own actions. That no amount of explaining things to her would have prevented what happened.