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Tell The NY Times to Apologize For Blaming a Child For Her Own Gangrape

I don't know how many people have been paying attention to this story, but basically an 11 year old in Cleveland, TX was gang-raped and the community is now divided... they aren't trying to claim she wasn't raped (since the rapists video taped it, they can't), but they're saying she brought it on herself.

What's worse is that the NY Times then published a story which reports that side of the story, but says nothing about the girl. It "reports": "They said she dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s. She would hang out with teenage boys at a playground, some said."

The story never refutes the ridiculousness of this claim or brings up the fact that she's 11 and no matter how she dressed it's STILL RAPE. The story can be found here:

There's a petition demanding the NY Times apologize for insinuating that she brought a gang-rape upon herself, and if you'd like to sign it you can find that here:
They're only a few thousand signatures away from 50,000.

thanks for taking the time to listen.
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