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All our wedding savings GONE

Yeah Gone.  I was about to get in my car on Saturday morning to go try on wedding gowns for the first time, when i noticed that my car was jacked up and someone had stolen both the wheels (Rims  and tires) on the driver's side of my car!!!! I was crushed.  Even more crushed when we found out how much it cost to have them replaced.  All of our wedding savings are now gone.  The insurance is only going to pay for part of it, but now i'm terrified that it is going to happen again!!  My father gave me all these locks and chains to put on the tires, but my FI and I can't even sleep we are so terrified someone is stealing our wheels or car or something!!!

Just needed to vent.  I have been in tears on and off all day.  I know that we are lucky that it was just money and no one was hurt, but it still REALLY Sucks!!! All that money and stress and i hate feeling like a victim!!! 

OK i'm done.  Keep your fingers crossed that no more garbage people bother my poor little car!
imageimageVacation Till our honeymoon!!!

Re: All our wedding savings GONE

  • I am so sorry to hear that! But all will be fine in the end. 
  • Wow i'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. You are right- at least no one was hurt and that's what truly matters. PM me if you want to talk.
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  • so someone stealing two rims and tires took all of your wedding savings? even the most expensive stock rims and tires isn't going to cost you more than 3k for a pair (which unless you drive an navi or escalade or something it won't come close) and unless the car is leased there is no reason to ever get replacement stock rims, especially from a daler. you can get aftermarket rims for a lot cheaper. 

    get a set of gorilla lug nuts, forget the freaking chains that's just silly. but honestly, if someone wants to steal your rims they'll steal your rims. 
  • Sorry PSI Chick, but u have no idea what you are talking about.  I think it's silly that you are answering this post.
    imageimageVacation Till our honeymoon!!!
  • lol actually i would be willing to bet that i know a hell of a lot more about cars than you do and i certainly know what i'm talking about. if you're dumb enough to get rapped by a dealership for a rim for a few thousand dollars and think that you know best then i certainly don't feel bad for you. have fun!
  • At what point did Amanda ask for such rudeness? Really psichick, are you serious?! Maybe she only had a little in her wedding savings and had to spend it all on wheels and tires. You have no idea. Who gives a crap how much you think you know about cars, you obviously don't know a thing about being sympathetic to someone going through something difficult. Because if you did, you would not have answered in such a horrible way.

    Amanda- Im sorry this happened to you. I know what its like. Everything will be ok. The money will come, your wedding will happen and the fear will go away. Mine did. So sorry again :(
  • I feel so bad for you. It's happened to me before too so I know how frustrating it is. I think you are handling it quite well.

    And just for the record, some people only have a wedding budget of 2 or 3K so that would deplete the savings.
  • I am sorry to hear about this. It will all work out in the end, just try to stay positive and keep your head up.
  • erolliserollis member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited May 2010
    I am so so sorry this happened to you! I have faith that you and Fiance will get through this just fine. Everything will work out in the end. Keep your chin up and we will pray this doesn't happen again. Be thankful that the situation wasn't worse. *knocks on wood*

    Psi chick- This is not the Snarky board. I am appalled that you can't show an ounce of sympathy. It doesn't matter if they have money or not. Having anything stolen from you (car/ home/ your purse) is awful. You feel violated and unsafe when this happens. Have you had anything stolen from you? I hope you Never get to experience having something stolen because it is no fun to go through that.
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  • Thank you girls for your kind words.  I know we will get through it and your good thoughts will keep me going.
    imageimageVacation Till our honeymoon!!!
  • Psi, regardless of how much rims and tires cost, maybe that's all her wedding budget is, anyway.  She's planning the wedding she can afford.  If that's only a few thousand bucks, that's her business.  And like others have said, having stuff stolen from you sucks.  It violates your whole sense of security.  Amanda, I'm sorry.  Hopefully it will all work out for you.
  • Oh dear that is awful I am sooo sorry to hear that!!!  I dont know what you could do to keep your car safe. and from feeling safe I dont think you really can.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I hate that some people take time out to type rude posts. Sorry you had to deal with that! Good luck with getting your savings back on track.
  • while i do feel for the OP i kinda agree with psichick.  in fact - i probably would just get some lowball tires and skip the rims all together.  at least for the time being. 
  • Im terribly sorry that you're going through this. It's rough when you experience a loss of security first hand like that, but like you stated, no one got hurt which is the good thing!

    Also, how far out is your wedding? Could anything be changed to DIY to save money? Would it be possible to push back the date in order to regain the saved money (I realize this would be a last resort). . but honestly, just remember that no matter what, you'll get to marry your best friend and Hell or High water, it'll be amazing to you :o)

    I wish you the best of luck!!!

    **Psi . .  shove it, nothing of what you said was remotely useful or needed to be said. DH and I had a low budget wedding and something like this would have also been a damper on the budget amount.
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  • Oh sweetie. That is terrible! I'm sure your family will band together and give you a great day regardless of how much you have available to spend on your wedding. It's not the monetary value of the day that you'll be remembering's the sentimental value.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • honestly, I never understood people who say "it's only a few thousand dollars". Yeah, the average wedding budget is (reportedly) 27k, a wedding is really just a party. I don't know many people who throw parties that "only cost a few thousand dollars".  A 2500$ car repair would be an unexpected shot to anyone's budget, whether they're planning a wedding or not.

    psichick is trying to prove the "million monkeys on a million typewriters" theory.
  • I'm sorry to hear that! I never understood why insurance companies don't pay for the rims. I need to have two of my rims replaced because of an accident and they wont pay for them. I'm lucky I still have mine at least. I hate when people think they can just take someone else's stuff, like they don't need that. Luckly your wedding is still a year away and i'm sure you will find some way around this mess.
  • Thanks everyone!! Yeah, since we gave gotten engaged we have been putting a little money aside each week.  We don't want to go into debt for our wedding and we have been really tighening our belt so we can have a beautiful wedding and not feel guilty about the money.  That's why that hurt.  It is just so terrible that people do things like that.  Every little noise i hear now, i'm running to the window to check the car.  I hate feeling like that. 

    We will be able to resave and still have a wonderful wedding day.  I'm trying to keep it as low costing as possible because I don't WANT to spend the average 27G on a wedding!  But I live in NYC and that's tough!!  What doesn't kill us makes us stronger (or bitter), but hopefully I will get over the panic and be back to my happy trusting self soon! 

    I can't thank everyone enough for their kind words, it has really made me feel a lot better!!
    imageimageVacation Till our honeymoon!!!
  • I'm so sorry this happened to you! I know exactly how you feel about being scared though. Last August my entire CAR was stolen right from my apartment building's parking lot, and even though they have security cameras apparently my car was in the only "blind spot" of the cameras. I was terrified for months and months that when I walked out the door my car would be gone again. Thankfully, my insurance company replaced my car with another used but in better condition than mine was car, so it didn't kill our wedding fund, but I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all of this! 

    I'm sure it will work out in the end, just be positive!
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  • That is exacly how i felt Merivale! And Ncsu, I am actually going to take a personal day on Thursday and my FI and I  (and our doggy) are going to go hiking.  That will be nice to get away from it all.  Great idea!

    imageimageVacation Till our honeymoon!!!
  • Sweety! I'm so sorry that this happen to you, I can understand the low budget, both my FI and I are in the Army.  We recently not only had to push back our wedding almost a year(to deployment) but the savings that we did have went out the window when we were forced to move to different states.  Just know that you can get through this.  Take a day curl up with your FI on the couch and have one hell of a cry about it.  I know it sounds crazy but it will help, not with the money but at least with your sanity. 
  • So sorry to hear this! I know exactly how you feel, FI was in an accident a month ago that drained my wedding savings to pay for his medical bills and dental bills. It will all work out in the end, you have a year to go, plenty of time to save a little here and there, and buy things here and there. Good Luck!

    psichick... why even comment when you aren't being helpful at all... move to another board!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Awe thats terrible.  I`m sure it will all be fine. Everything always comes together in the end. I`m getting married in 18 days and about 3 month ago my jeep died. That took a big chunck out of our non-large budget to get it fixed and I know that stress. I promise it will all work out good luck! And I agree take a day and de-stress about everything. That alone can make a huge differnce.
  • Amanda it must be the names! Alan and I (I'm Amanda, too) Got all of the of the money in our wedding fund stolen from us by someone who had stolen my identity! It sucks when things are stolen, but things will work out! Just know you aren't the only ones who bad stuff happens to! Relish in the time you share together. Money and material things are only temporary you will have your love forever! I hope things work out for you! Good luck with everything, and I am sorry you feel unsafe and are stressing out. I wish I had some advice for that!
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