One of FI's GM who is, to put it mildly, a little quirky, has decided that he doesn't want to stay in the house my mother has rented for the WP. Why? Well, because we can't give him an exact layout of the place - the house belongs to a family friend, is 10 minutes from the ceremony locale, and is beautiful, BTW.
Where does he want to stay, you may ask? In a Travelodge 40 miles away from us - because "I know what the rooms are like already, & I know I'll like it". I told him I could arrange for him to stay with a number of folks in their homes where I can tell him exactly what he'd be getting, but it isn't enough - "I don't like not knowing what it would look like". I offered to get him a room at an inn 5 minutes from the house, with pictures. Nope. He's never stayed there before, so he doesn't want to.
I get that he's particular, but I feel like he could put up with a unfamiliar room in a lovely house with his best friends for ONE night of his life! ARGH.
Anyway. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Carry on