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Kids at the reception

We are considering leaning towards not having kids at our reception, with the exception of my neices who are in the wedding. I am however considering letting one of my out of town cousin bring their son. Is it wrong to make an exception for an out of town guest but not allow others who are local to bring their children as well?

Re: Kids at the reception

  • They say you shouldn't make exceptions, basically all kids or no kids. However, I am doing the same, allowing only certain children in our wedding. It's really up to you
  • It is up to you. I say NO KIDS. You don't want them to see the madness that happens at receptions.
  • I have mixed feelings on this. Some brides have no kids period, including none in the WP. Others make exceptions. I think the exceptions are ok depending on your family. In my family, I know people would talk and say its not fair, etc. But if that doesn't bother you or your family is not like that, I say go for it. It is your day and you can do what you want, esp if you are paying for it.
  • I know for sure that I want my neices there I wouldn't have it any other way, especially since I don't get to see them that often (they live out of state). But I know that there are others that would bring their kids and they are not very well behaved and I just don't want them running around like crazies knocking people over and getting in the way. I can only think of one that I may make an exception for and they are out of state. I just don't know if I should make the exception or not, just wanted to get ideas of what other have done or are thinking about doing. Thanks for the advice so far.
  • We are also doing Adult Only reception but allowing our nieces and nephews ( who are in wedding party to attend).  When a few of my cousins found out about the No Kids I got a couple concerned email.  My Dad just sent out an email to his family stating only kids that would be invited were the grandchildren of the parents of the Bride and Groom.  This helped a lot!
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  • At my father's wedding it was 16 and up except for special members of the Bridal Party. Worked well for them. Originally for us it was going to be 12 and up except for special members of the Bridal Party, but in the end we decided against a ring bearer and a flower girl (venue complications). Havn't heard a complaint yet! Children get bored at weddings and can get roudy (I've heard waaaaay too many horror stories).
  • After Dd was born, I attended a 'no kids' wedding/reception. She was literally 5 days old at the time, the groon was my first cousin, and not going would have been held over my head for years.  It was 2 hours away, and I breastfed.  Dd went with me, after getting approval from the bride, and didn't make a single peepe the entire time.

    I had three....THREE....guests/family members of the bride approach me at the reception and 'remind' me that this was an 'Adults Only' wedding, on top of hearing all the other guests complain about how they couldn't bring their children.

    This has deterred me from having an 'adult only' reception, despite the kid-count being close to fifty.  I'm hoping I change my mind before next year. Embarassed
  • aerinpegadrakaerinpegadrak member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited May 2010
    You can certainly make exceptions, but exceptions = drama.  It's easier to be able to set an across-the-board rule and stick to it, because once you start making exceptions it's hard to stop.  Our wedding was adults and infants only.  It was a destination wedding, so the people with older kids made arrangements to leave the kids with relatives for a few days.  No complaints.  (We also didn't say anything about "adult reception" on the invitation, just addressed it to the parents only, and there was no confusion.)

    I would just call up your out-of-town friend and ask what she plans on doing with her son for the wedding.  My mom had been pestering me that I had to let my brother bring his stepdaughters, but when I called him up to talk to him about it, he had no intention of bringing them at all, so you may be worrying over nothing.  If she is planning on bringing the kid along, perhaps you can help her arrange for childcare for during the wedding.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • We've decided not to have kids at our wedding either, with the exception of my nephew and a family friend who are in the wedding. I'd say try to find a sitter for your out of town guest to make it a little bit easier on them when they get there!

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