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Ok it's my Birthday, so what?

 In my family we celebrate Birthdays up to a certain age, usually the last party you have is when you turn 16. After that, we don't see the need to "party". I love this because my Fiance's family is the exact opposite, they celebrate every Birthday, for every age, and for every member of the family! And when he has five siblings and three of them are mothers, that's a lot of Birthdays!

 Anyways, my Birthday is coming up really soon and my Fiance wants to do something for me. I think it is really sweet, however I feel kinda weird since I haven't done anything for my Birthday for quite some time.  Last year he wanted to take me out to dinner, but was called in for work.

 So now he is throwing some ideas at me to see what I would like to do this year and I can't answer.  I asked him if he thought it would be "inappropriate" I guess you could say, to do something just for a Birthday and he said I was looking at a guy that has celebrated every Birthday in some way or another...

 I still don't want to do anything, but I have a feeling he is going to be unhappy about it. Should I just let him do his thing, or should I tell him to not worry about it?
~Soon to become Mrs. O'Kane!~

Re: Ok it's my Birthday, so what?

  • I don't think I understand what you're saying.

    He wants to do something for your birthday,a nd you don't?  He's asking you what you want to do.  Why don't you just tell him you'd like something low key like a nice dinner out, or a day of not having to do the dishes, or whatever you'd like?  It doesn't have to be a party with a 500 person guest list.

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  • I don't really get what your issue is. You say that you love that his family celebrates every birthday, but then you don't want to actually do anything for yours?

    If you don't want to celebrate your birthday, then don't.  Just tell him that you don't really want to celebrate it.  Or, you don't want a party, and just want to go out to dinner.

    But, if you really DO want to celebrate it and have a lil shindig, let him plan it.
  • its your birthday, so if you want a party then have a party. or if you just want cake. tell him you just want cake. we don't have huge birthdays in my family, but we certainly ALWAYS have cake!! :) good luck 
  • There's nothing wrong with going out to dinner or having a get-together for your birthday, as far as I can see. If you want to do something, do it. If it really makes you so uncomfortable to recognize your birthday, tell your FI, and don't do anything. It's really that simple.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ok it's my Birthday, so what?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't really get what your issue is. You say that you love that his family celebrates every birthday, but then you don't want to actually do anything for yours? If you don't want to celebrate your birthday, then don't.  Just tell him that you don't really want to celebrate it.  Or, you don't want a party, and just want to go out to dinner. But, if you really DO want to celebrate it and have a lil shindig, let him plan it.
    Posted by cmgilpin[/QUOTE]

    I agree with everything here. I don't understand how it makes you uncomfortable, but if it really, really does, tell him you prefer not to celebrate.

    If they go ahead and throw you something anyway, try to relax and enjoy it. :)

    (cmgilpin, your sig pic is so cute but my stomach did a back-flip when I saw the heels you were wearing standing that close to the edge! You must have super-balance!)
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  • That was a long back story to ask if you should/shouldn't have a Bday party.
    Do or don't. It doesn't matter and isn't a huge deal.
    For our bdays, we usually will go out to dinner together. Or, if we're feeling festive, we'll have friends over or something.

    Just note, it's not a bday party unless you've got party hats, streamers or balloons.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:e23e5095-ca30-4200-b249-13c9e1382005Post:f08b9e98-9d2e-4819-a260-d2435cb2f07b">Re: Ok it's my Birthday, so what?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ok it's my Birthday, so what? : I agree with everything here. I don't understand how it makes you uncomfortable, but if it really, really does, tell him you prefer not to celebrate. If they go ahead and throw you something anyway, try to relax and enjoy it. :) (<strong>cmgilpin, your sig pic is so cute but my stomach did a back-flip when I saw the heels you were wearing standing that close to the edge! You must have super-balance</strong>!)
    Posted by Ali092011[/QUOTE]

    :)   I wear heels a lot...  it's an acquired skill.   It was fun when the boat went by and shook the platform though !
  • Make sure he respects your wishes. :)
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