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Boudoir photography

Has anyone thought about doing boudoir photos for the groom? some brides I know have been doing it, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. what are some thoughts/ suggestions

Re: Boudoir photography

  • I think if you're able to look classy and tasteful, go for it. If it's going to look like your BFF and you tried to take sample photos for Playboy, skip it. 

    Personally, my FI would not care about the photos at all. He'd be like, why would you pay someone to take photos of you partially naked when I can see you fully naked whenever I want? 
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  • I really want to because he'd be totally surprised but I can't find a photographer I'd be comfortable with, actually idk if I'd feel comfortable in front of anyone I don't know with lingerie on and posing all seductive haha. I'm undecided. But love the idea
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  • I had them done. The most you see is my bare butt, it was very tastefull and romaticly sexy. I had never met my photographer except through extensive emails and looking at her page. I was her first Boudoir shed ever done. It was different at first, just start in lingerie or a nighty your comfortable in, then work to the other more risky stuff. Find someone you trust and like their photos. I found mine online on FB actually, and just because they dont advertise they do Boudoir does not mean they wont do it. My photographer did an amazing job, and actually used mine to get herself more bussiness in that area. It makes you feel so alive and so Sexy!!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Boudoir photography</a>:
    [QUOTE] <strong>Personally, my FI would not care about the photos at all. He'd be like, why would you pay someone to take photos of you partially naked when I can see you fully naked whenever I want? </strong>
    Posted by emeejeeayen[/QUOTE]

    Haha, this is exactly what the FI said when we were looking through photographers and boudoir shoots came up.

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  • I didn't do them because DH would have more fun taking the photos himself than looking at photos someone else took of me.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Boudoir photography</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:Boudoir photography: DH said that about other girls getting them done all the time. And yet, he LOVED mine. Like takes them with him on business trips kind of love. So you might be surprised. That being said, mine weren't classic pin up or whatever. They were fun and geared towards exactly what DH finds sexy. If I'd taken photos of me putting on stockings with my hair in pin curls, he would have been eh. But mine were of me posed wearing his favorite piece of lingerie, a school girl outfit, comic books, etc. I recommend finding a photog who will tailor your shoot to things YOU bring in and set up shots based on your general ideas. If you do that, and have fun with it, I don't know a guy in the world who would think they were a waste of money.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is a good point. FI sent me surprise nerd tshirts in the mail today (Buffy and Star Wars themed) and was SOOOO excited when I sent him photos of me wearing them (no, the photos were not sexy in the slightest). That said, my "sexy" face is lacking, and I can't keep a straight face if my life depended on it, so boudoir photos would just be a bad comedy routine for me. </div>
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  • thanks for the input, I know he would love it but Im not sure how you get the rights to the photos or whatever so the photographer wont plaster them everywhere. Not that I'm planning on being playboy-esque but the point is for it to be for his eyes only. 
  • In Response to Re:Boudoir photography:[QUOTE]thanks for the input, I know he would love it but Im not sure how you get the rights to the photos or whatever so the photographer wont plaster them everywhere. Not that I'm planning on being playboyesque but the point is for it to be for his eyes only.nbsp; Posted by sarabebe182[/QUOTE]

    Any reputable photographer will give you the option of either signing a waiver that allows her to use your photos in promotional materials, or not signing and keeping the photos private. If this option isn't presented to you during the consultation, choose a different photographer.
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  • In a previous thread I asked for advice on what to get my FI as a grooms gift on our wedding day. I got advice on getting boudoir pictures and I really love that idea!

    I'm doing the research on pricing and whatnot this week.

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  • I think if I could do the whole pin up thing, my FI would like them.  However, I don't know where I'd get the costumes and then the money for styling.  
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  • I did boudoir photography. They are all tasteful and clean, i.e. no nude shots. I was completely covered. THey turned out really pretty.
    I notice you are in Toledo, my photog is from Columbus, but is really good at boudoir.
    I think there is a gallery up of photos that you can see of shots she did. But, you need to make an inquiry with her.
    If you are comfortable with your photographer and want to give him a gift like that, then go for it.

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