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Engagement Gift for Best Friend..what would you want as a new engagie???

My best friend just got engaged and I would love to send her an awesome gift. What would you want as a new engagie?

Re: Engagement Gift for Best Friend..what would you want as a new engagie???

  • I got a few friends gift cards for manicures with a note saying something like "congrats, enjoy the manicure!  You will be showing that ring off for awhile!"
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:e9c6b011-6e57-435e-9c76-bf0784a978f3Post:0ae83378-190b-4fc1-9ce7-d324465fa8bc">Re: Engagement Gift for Best Friend..what would you want as a new engagie???</a>:
    [QUOTE]I got a few friends gift cards for manicures with a note saying something like "congrats, enjoy the manicure!  You will be showing that ring off for awhile!"
    Posted by Blueyed228[/QUOTE]

    This. My really good friend got me one and it was by far my favorite!!
  • Real Simple planning book...Crate and Barrel has it. It's the best book/magazine I've read. It goes through everything. FI and I have referenced it many times.

  • My best friend got me a vera wang glass jewlery ring holder to put by the kitchen sink so whenever I take my ring off, I have a safe place to put it.  They are available at Bed Bath and Beyond and I think they are about $40.  I use it everyday and I love it.
  • A nice guest book for the guests to sign at the reception.
  • Get her one of those Philosophy kit's for the bride - they are amazing and adorable. Or a framed picture of you and her showing off her ring! :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement Gift for Best Friend..what would you want as a new engagie???</a>:
    [QUOTE]Also, bridal magazines do not offer much inspiration but more ads.  A couple here and there are nice, but typically brides pick them up themselves. I would not clutter someone with those.
    Posted by CA2MT4EveR[/QUOTE]
    I agree that a lot of the bridal magazines are all ads, but I have found that a lot of the European magazines have WAY fewer ads than the ones from the US.

    I wound up picking up some from the UK - they have very few ads, a lot of ideas and looks at several brides, how to handle sticky situations (like an overbearing parent), and advice for starting marriage.  I love the newlywed sections!  It has something that bridal magazines here don't have - the wedding starts a marriage.
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