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I am curious what are your feelings on your future in laws...

Re: In-Laws

  • i voted that we get along great! my future FIL is awesome....we get along very well and i love that, but my future MIL {my FI's parents arent together and havent been for years} anywhoo my future MIL we used to get along great, i mean we used to go get our nails done and go shopping together and everything until we had a disagreement on the way i am raising the kids. after that i havent talked to her in about a yr and a half;
  • I am very happy with my in-laws. They are very supportive of us and I have been part of the family since my FI and I started dating. I kind of fell bad for my FI because he's going to be inheriting the crazy inlaws as my mom likes to get in everyones business and is crazy ingeneral. I lucked out.

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  • I love my in-laws! my future MIL is so much like me it's like I'm her daughter. Everytime I talk to her we say I love you. My future FIL is very sick with cancer and doesnt leave his room much and sleeps most of the time but when I do see him we get along great. He loves me too. When I first started dating FI, he used to joke that his dad loved me more than he did. lol
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  • My FILs are awesome.  We really click.  And my parents really click with my FI so it's good all around.
  • I love my MIL.  She's the sweetest thing ever, and I'm really lucky.  There's a bit of a language issue, but no big deal.

    I don't really know my FIL, and he doesn't speak much English, but he's been nice enough the 2 times I've met him.
  • Anyone remember Charlotte's evil MIL in Sex in the City?  Bunny.  That's my FMIL in a nutshell.

    I get along great with FI's step-father.  He's a cranky old Irish retired NYPD and we bonded watching the Super Bowl last month.
  • My in-laws are great.  FI was terrified that his mother would hate me, but while we're not best friends or anything, we get along just fine.  We don't see a whole lot of them because FI's not particularly close to his parents, but there's no tension or anything.
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  • I get along great with my future in-laws and step-in-laws. They are all great!
  • I get along with my FILs better than my own family.  The exceptions that make the rule:
    FH's grandma is completely off her rocker, and my sister and I get along really frickin' well.
  • We get along great!  They treat me like family already, which also means that FMIL reminds me not to slouch. :P 
  • SarahPLizSarahPLiz member
    edited March 2010
    FI's parents are both depressed alcoholics. They are divorced but recently moved back in together for financial reasons. He is an only child, and their constant misery grates on his nerves a lot. this sounds like a recipe for disaster, but:

    They are SO ready for us to get married. They have fully supported our relationship from the beginning. They are so wonderful and sweet to me and do their best to speak English slowly so I can understand through their thick Romanian accents. HIs father told us to have 12 kids, so we can send one to FL to be raised by him (not gonna happen, but a nice sentiment). While i could be all debbie-downer about their mental and physical health situation, I count my blessings that they like me for their only son, and they can't wait for us to reproduce. 

    It should be noted that we also don't ask or expect anything of them. I think a lot of people that complain about their inlaws have a crazy idea in their head that everyone is supposed to love you just because you married into the family. That's an earned respect that you can kill right from the jump by being anything but nice and accomodating.
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  • PiruPiru member
    Mother in law is so nice, it's sickening. His stepdad is alright, kind of enjoys making people uncomfortable sometimes but that's just his sense of humor. His 16 year old sister is very sweet.

    I don't know his dad as well as his family lives in Alabama while the rest of us live in Oregon. He seems very nice though and my fiance doesn't get on so well with his stepmom but we did fine when I visited.

    My poor fiance was the one that got the short end of the stick when it comes to inlaws! Mine are the crazy conservative controlling parents that don't think anyone is good enough for their little girl!
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  • My FI's fam is a lot o drama... but they live in another state so we only have to deal w/ them a few times a year.  His mother wasnt happy when we had our daughter, she has since some around because its hard to not love a baby once they are actually born, but I still resent her for it a bit. 
  • I voted that we get along great, but that may be because they have always lived across the country from us and I have only met my FFIL once. 
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  • I haven't met my in-laws yet and won't until the week of our wedding. They live in England and the travel for either of us is too costly right now.

    I'm nervous, but he survived my family just fine...
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