Attire & Accessories Forum

guys suits

I have decide that the guys should wear grey suits intead of tuxes, it would be the same price to buy a suit than to just rent a tux for a day. One of our GM is out of state....should all the guys be in the same suit, or should we just let them wear their own as long as it the right shade of grey? Im just nervous someone will show up in something totally different

Re: guys suits

  •  All the guys got the same suit and that way we know they are going to match. FI bought them and they all paid him back.
  • Maybe find a suit that could be easily located by all the groomsmen?
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  • We just finished doing this.  We went to K and G.  I entered the texting contest posted around and won 50% off entire purchase.  So we went ahead and got all the suits we could that day along with ties, shoes, socks.  We ended up mailing out the suits to the out of state guys.  The two tricky sizes had to be ordered online, but that worked out fine. 

    If we hadnt won the 50% off we would have had them order in pairs (there is a discount for buying 2 togehter) depending on what guy was closest to the other.  We have groomsmen in 4 different states than we are. 
  • edited July 2012
    Either choose a suit at a national chain (for example, Jos. A Bank is AWESOME and with their 3 for 1 sales that they do several times a year you can get a very nice suit at a very affordable price) so they can go buy it locally, or let them wear whatever BLACK suit they want.   There are too many different shades of grey to let them choose their own. 
  • We found some nice grey pinstripe suits at JC Penney. Our groomsmen are spread across the country, so we wanted to pick a store that would be easy for everyone. We had a lot of trouble finding grey tuxes that we liked. These look really nice, are high quality, and super low price! 

  • We got the guys suits at Jos A Bank during a buy 1 get 3 free sale. They came to $90 each and each guy was able to exchange for thier size!
  • sounds good, we will go to K&g and find the suits and just have the guys order. Since all the other GM are in the state they can all go together and get the sale
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