Attire & Accessories Forum

Dealing with a train

Hi all -

I was actually heading toward a more casual wedding dress when I ended up finding a beautiful one with floral applique over the sleeveless bust and full skirt - with train.  This is a small wedding, no attendants except my stepson-to-be, about 30 people. Can I just keep it bustled up the whole time? (the applique will show while bustled)  It's a chapel length train.  I'd post a pic but I haven't found the dress online anywhere.  Thanks!
40yo; DH 37; TTC 1y. No specific DX. Beginning 1st IVF cycle 30 Mar 11.

Re: Dealing with a train

  • If it looks great bustled, I don't think that would be a problem at all!  Weddings these days are all about creating an atmosphere and event that fits you and your spouse-to-be.  If the dress is perfect but the train doesn't fit the wedding, bustle it!  I think some dresses actually look prettier when bustled then when down!!

    I'd love to see the dress, so I hope you can get us a pic!
  • I agree, it should be fine! Let us know who makes it and maybe someone can find a picture of it for you.  The girls on here are really great about finding pictures of things.
  • If you'd prefer to keep it bustled all night, just remember to have some safety pins or a sewing kit handy; bustles do break, and the longer you're wearing it, the more likely it is for that to happen.  Just be prepared for a quick repair and you'll be fine.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • I have the same issue! I wasn't think I wanted a train, and I looove the look of a lot of bustles, so I think I might just have mine bustled all day.
  • Thanks!  And the idea about the safety pins is a very good one...  I was able to find it online, look here:

    One of the pics is the model holding up as if bustled to show the applique.  Thanks for all your input - one of my worries is that I'm not the most graceful person or happiest at the center of attention.  While I love the gown, I'm having dreadful visions of tripping and taking a header into the baptismal pool...  When they bustled it up at the shop I thought it looked really cute and might solve a couple of problems.
    40yo; DH 37; TTC 1y. No specific DX. Beginning 1st IVF cycle 30 Mar 11.
  • why don't you just have them cut it to be floor length, I know lots of people to do this, why walk around with all the extra fabric.  Plus you can use it for other things, like if there are appliques they can add it to your veil or you can make yourself a purse
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