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Should I start looking for a dress already?

Hey girls.. I am almost positive I will be getting married June 19, 2010 (if all goes well tomorrow!), if not I will be getting married in August of 2010.  Should I start looking for a dress? Some people have told me its way too early and others stress that I'm super late! When did you girls start looking?

Re: Should I start looking for a dress already?

  • Well my wedding is not until 2011! I have already found my dress and ordered it...So in my opinion it is never too early. But if you are a person whom once you see the dress you cant live without and wont continue to look or change your mind then I say start at least looking. When I found my dream dress, on-line, I had to go all the way yo florida to try in on, b/c it was not avalible in my state. Then when I talked to the designer, I went ahead and ordered b/c it was possible the dress would no longer be in production closer to my wedding...but I knew that was THE ONE!
  • Wow!  That's so great for  you! I am actually in Florida. :) Anyway, thanks for the advice.  I have no idea what I am looking for and I am the type of person to love something one day and hate it the next so I don't know what to do! I know I can't wait too long, but I don't want to get it so early that I get "over it" by the time the wedding comes around. ;o/
  • Why don't you go out and do a little looking.  If you find something you like, you will have a couple of months to "sleep on it" in case you change your mind.  If you don't change your mind in that time, you can then order it.  I'm a June 2010 bride too and have just started looking a bit on the internet (so as to minimize shopping time - I'm a buyer not a shopper, and so I have no interest in roaming from store to store, not fun for me - so the internet is my friend).  But you might like going from store to store.  So enjoy it! :) Most designers take 4-6 months to come in and then you will have 1-3 fittings.  Each one takes approximately 6 weeks to come back so, as you can see, you don't want to wait for too many more months or you might get into a situation where you don't really have time to sleep on it and have to place an order quickly. Now, all this assumes that you are not ordering off the rack.  If you are ordering off the rack (ex: David's Bridal, or a sample at a store), I think they just need time to alter the dress, which is like a few weeks, and then you can do your other two fittings closer to May/June, I think.
  • I think it depends on what kind of dress you are getting - will it be designer, couture, off the rack, etc. Most wedding mags and sites say that you want to start looking for your dress about 9 to 12 months out from the wedding date to allow time for ordering, alterations, fittings, etc. I'm leaning towards a "couture" gown myself (price-wise, it's actually kind of reasonable, but its the..."value" line of a couture designer ^_^ ) so they told me it would take 9 months to order the dress. And then to allow time for fittings, etc. I didn't ask too many detailed questions about the ordering process since the gown I tried on actually fit me pretty well, but I guess I'll find out more when I actually buy it.Either date you get married, you are 9 to 12 months out - so I would recommend that you start looking now. And honestly, it's really a lot of fun once you get started! Good luck and I hope you find the ONE soon!! :)
  • Well, I'm getting married June 19, 2010 and I bought my dress back in December.  I'll be honest, that was a bit early, however it just came in.  Some dresses take 8 months to come in.  If you choose a dress that has that long of a production time you're looking at about 1 month for alterations which isn't much room to work with.  I'd definitely go out shopping asap.  Most of the girls on the June board already have their dress or they have it narrowed down to a couple dresses if that helps put some perspective on things.
  • Even if you get married in August, it is still less than 12 months away. So, I say it wouldn't hurt to start looking. Just don't buy anything until you're sure!
  • I started looking a year out. And where I bought my dress in April told me to expect it in December! It doesn't hurt to start looking and inquiring about how long certain designers take to come in. That way you can budget your time accordingly.
  • You should probably start looking soon. I'm getting married at the end of May and am ordering my dress today. It will take 6 months to receive it, and then there will be alterations. It took me a long time to find what I wanted, but some people are able to find their dress very quickly. Maybe start looking online to get an idea of what you want, then hit the shops.
  • I don't think it is too soon to start looking. Just keep an open mind, and try on different styles. That kitten in the video is just the most adorable thing I have ever seen!!! Is that your kitten?
  • Danielle - I'm getting married 10/23/10 and I did my dress shopping yesterday.  Like some others posted - some dress manufacturers are taking 6-9 months to deliver the gown, then you have fittings and alterations to do.  9 months from now would be May already - and you could be getting married as early as June!  I would rather get the gown as early as possible, and not be rushed at the end with alterations.  It's one big stressor you can avoid if you order it now...
  • I was looking at dresses before he proposed. But I knew he was going to. He got my ring size and put it in layaway 4 months before he asked me. I started looking in Dec '07 and he proposed in April '08. Finally picked in Sept '08 and we are getting married in 3 1/2 weeks
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