Okay, so I got it a shot cause I had a day off. Wanted to look at their gorgeous (Parisian) accessories. This one stunning partial glove for the left hand only with crystal, pearls, etc., was $290, costume earrings were several hundred... but dresses actually could be had in the $3,000 and up range and were gorgeous. absolutely. on the other end of the spectrum, i checked out the sleeves at david's bridal -- the long, short, 3/4 and cap. they're not half bad actually. detachable. your seamstress has to do something to attach them to your strapless. but they're pretty with some lace and beads; not too much so they go with lots of different style dresses. i'm looking for lace cuffs, or gauntlets. Love, love, love these... so i may buy these 3/4 sleeves at david's and have the seamstress cut the top arm part, gather them down and make me these cuffs to peak out of the 3/4 arms of my satin bolero. love that look! anyhow - just mentioning some things i've had a hard time finding, in case anyone's interested! it's back to work for me tomorrow, with practically no let up now til Christmas!