Hi all!
My Faince and I have just set our wedding date! We will be getting married October 24, 2013. We recently moved from Chicago to California because my fiance got a job offer. Our wedding will be held back in Chicago because all of our family is back there and we didn't want to make them all pay to come out here. My question is, my mom will be coming out here to vist us the last week of August this year. She has offered to pay for my dress, and she said she really wants to. My fiance and I can't afford for me to fly home to look for dresses before the wedding, nor can we afford to fly my mom back out here later on to look for a dress. So when she is out here this August/early September is really the only time that will work for us since she will already be out here. I'm just worried that it's too soon to look? I have been the same weight since high school, and I'm 25, so I'm not super concerned about gaining weight. I'm just not sure about alterations (sp). How long before the wedding do brides typically wait to get their dresses altered? As I said, I won't be able to afford to go home before the wedding to look for a dress, so this is really the perfect chance for me to look. But is it too early?