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XP: Alterations too Early?

My wedding is the second week of August in my home town. I live half way across the country, but have my dress here with me. My first fitting is next week, and it will be complete by the second week in April. I'm not trying to gain or lose any weight during the wedding (at most just toning my arms- not affecting the dress), so I'm hoping to just be done with it in April, and be ready to wear it in August.

One of my friends just found this out and now has me freaking out that it's way too early and I might need to have another fitting later in the game. However, I'd have to find time for another appointment, decide whether to do it at home where I live now. My plan was to just try it on at the beginning of my wedding week in case of emergency alterations, but I'm not thinking I'll need any.

Any thoughts on this timeline? Should I reschedule my appointment(s) for later in the game?

ETA: The alterations needed are primarily getting toule removed and having the dress hemmed, and I have my shoes so my height won't be changing. I may have it taken in an inch, but for the most part it fits well, and again I won't be trying to gain or lose weight.

Re: XP: Alterations too Early?

  • When will you be leaving to go home for your wedding?

    Honestly, I think it is a bit early to get your alterations completed by April for an August wedding.  I know you may not be trying to gain or lose any weight between then and your wedding but you just don't know what will happen.  Some women, when stressed, lose weight others gain and even if you don't think you are worried or stressed about the wedding, subconciously you are and it will have an effect on your body.

    I would wait until July to get your alterations complete.  At least that will be about a month or a bit less out from your wedding so the chances of your body changing drastically would be very slim.

    Finally, do you really want to take the chance of putting on your dress only 5 days before your wedding only to find out that it is too big or too small and then having to find a seamstress that can fix it and pay and arm and a leg for rushed services?

  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    OP, I can relate. In fact, I didn't need any alterations when I purchased my dress off-the-rack several months before my wedding.

    I did take measurements of myself when I liked how the dress fit. I then took measurements every week to make sure I stayed consistent in size.

    If you go that route, you should be fine.
  • I'd wait. My seamstress told me 8 weeks before the wedding should be the first fitting. You don't know how your body will react throughout the planning process.
  • Meh - I can go either way.  You'll probably be fine.  Yes, it's waaaaay early, but if you're comfortable with it, then it's fine.  I wouldn't recommend this timeline to others, though.

    My wedding was May 5th.  I started alterations in mid-April.  I had a take-in at the boobs, extra crinoline added for walking, cups sewn in and a twenty-point bustle.  My dress was ready in a week.  So... I have a very different view.
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