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Second guessing my dress

Help. Recently my fiancé and I went dress shopping (this is our second marriage), he fell in love with a dress....I liked it (not in love with), bought it anyway. Made the mistake of continuing to look online at other dresses, found one I absolutely love. All sales are final from the place I bought the dress from. My fiancé has very good taste and is the voice of reasoning in this relationship, and things always turn out just as he says they will. I always second guess my decisions. Am i thinking too much? We are getting married in Vegas 30 days from today. What do I do? If your curious on what both dresses look like: his favorite is #T9579 from David's Bridal and mine is: #YP3344 from David's Bridal. Opinions/suggestions greatly apericated.

His dress:

My dress:

Re: Second guessing my dress

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    Lisa50Lisa50 member
    5 Love Its Combo Breaker First Comment
    Buy the dress YOU like, today!  When it arrives, try it on an if it makes you warm and fuzzy, you have a winner!  Take the the other one to a consignment shop.

    It's lovely that your fiance has good taste, but you should choose and wear a dress you prefer.
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    I like your choice better: it's more interesting, more distinctive.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    You're 30 days out, and you haven't tried the other dress on?  You may not love it once it's on you.
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    id012id012 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    im 99% sure that you can exchange your dress at davids bridal.. because i just did, with like 40 days left until my wedding!
    At least go there and try on your dress that you love. you might not love it, or you might beable to exchange it. Im sure he will love you in anything
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    Both look gorgeous. On your wedding day you will be so happy that you'd feel beautiful in either. I would talk with DB and see if you can exchange it. You could always take one to a consignment shop and purchase the other, or sell it on e-bay. I would not, under any circumstances, put yourself in a financial crunch to get the second dress. In the grand scheme of things, you will look great in either one and will be on top of the world.
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    H and I couldn't pick a dress to agree on for the LONGEST time and I ended up buying a gown we were both alright with.. and we regretted it. 

    We finally found one that made us both tear up. It was amazing. 

    I suggest that if you both are super torn, to keep looking. You'll find one. I promise. H and I had TOTALLY different styles going into the dress shopping experience and  I thought we would NEVER agree (he also has incredible taste with clothing on me).
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    edited July 2012
    I had a majour panic attack a few weeks ago because I don't love my dress I bought. I'm not sure what to do as I cannot take my dress back to the store but I've seen a dress online that I absolutely love but can't try it on without buying it :s I bought the dress i did because my MOH told me it looked more age appropriate than all the ones I really liked!

    I think you should really try on the dress you love and then decide, I'm sure as long as you are happy with your dress your fiance will be too. I agree with Lisa50 
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