Attire & Accessories Forum

Our rings...

Am I suppose to pick out the wedding band I want or does he do all of that for me and vice versa?  Or is this a joint effort? 

Re: Our rings...

  • We shopped together, but we didn't get "matching" rings.  I a white gold ring with channel set diamonds to go with my engagement ring, and he got a tungsten band.   We DID buy them at the same store, but mostly just for convenience.
  • I picked my own wedding band and bought it.  My husband picked his own wedding band and bought it.  We shopped at two completely different places and both got something we liked.

    I had never heard of this "bride buys groom's band and groom buys wife's band" thing before the The Knot.
  • We picked ours out together. I couldn't imagine not having any input in my wedding band, since I'd have to wear it for the rest of my life.
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  • I think you are suppossed to shop together. thats what FI and I will be doing.
  • I have to have my wedding band custom made to fit with my e-ring and the jewellery store we decided to use is in the same plaza that I work in so I have always gone over while I'm at work to design the ring, have them take a cast of my e-ring, etc. It's also in another city than FI and I live in so it's not exactly convenient for him to pop over.

    The first time we looked for a ring for FI we went together, he's since gone to another store on his own.
  • We shopped together and picked out what we wanted.
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  • We shopped together. He got something he really loved and I picked out mine.
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  • We shopped together for ours. He was a bit easier to shop for when it came to finding a band. Mine was a little harder,. We both had an idea of what we wanted before we went shopping.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • we shopped together. i picked out what i liked (and made sure he was okay with my choice). he paid. now he's going to pick out what he likes, and i'm payin. =P
  • FI and I are planning to go together. We went together to get my E ring, and we will be going back to the same jewler to get his ring and the band to match my E ring. We also have joint finances so we will be using "our money" to pay for the rings.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We went together to pick out our bands, it was nice to get each other's opinions on our bands.
    It doesn't have to be perfect to be everything I want!
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  • I picked out my own e-ring setting. It was a set, so it came with a wedding band. We went together for that. And, I'm sure we'll go together to shop for his wedding band. He will pick it out though since he'll be the one wearing it.

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  • We picked ours out together but I made my husband pick his first. I knew that if I picked mine first  he would choose something not as expensive  so I could get what I really wanted, to please me, which is wonderful and sweet. But I wanted to make sure that he really liked his and was happy regardless of the price. The way I looked at it was he went above and beyond to get me what I really wanted as an engagement ring so I really wanted him to love his wedding band. After he chose his I picked out something I liked and could afford. Of course there was something there that I wanted more and was more expensive but I love what I have now and will wait for the other. I just really wanted him to love his wedding band the way I love my engagement ring and he deserved the same feeling.

  • We shopped together for our wedding rings, but I did some solo expeditions to find out what I wanted before we went together.  FI got me a solitare e-ring so I could have a lot of freedom to get the wedding band I wanted (I had no part in picking out my e-ring), but when I found a style I liked, we went back to the store together so I could show him (I wanted him to like it too), and to pick his ring out as well.  We combined finances a long time ago, so it was "our money" that paid for the rings.
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  • I had NO idea what I wanted in rings so I had gone with my sister to get an idea when we knew we'd be getting engaged soon. I had it narrowed down to 2 E-rings and FI and I went together to look at them and then he picked from there so it was a little bit of a surprise at least. He bought the wedding band that went with my E-ring at the same time.

    For him we went and looked together. This was important because he's never worn a ring before. We ended up getting something that has a very small detail like mine and that we both like.

    We each paid for each others rings.
    June 16, 2012
  • My engagement ring came with a batching band... so that was really easy for FI. As for FI's band, I had shown him one that I had found on-line half as a joke (as it is camo) ever since then (this was before we were engaged) he has said that is the one that he wants, doesn't bother me, I'm not the one wearing it.
  • As you can see, it can go any way. My FI got a wedding band that matches my e-ring when he first bought it. I asked to not see it until the wedding day, but he described it to me (ugh) anyway. We went together to pick out his ring. 
  • We went together to pick out our rings. We didn't get matching rings but we both helped in the decision process.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Our rings...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't really think there is any right or wrong way to go about it. I always thought most people buy them together, but you should do whatever works for you guys. You guys should probably try checking some out together to at least figure out what style you want to go for. Check out Hearts on Fire, they have a really nice selection of wedding rings if you want something a little flashy: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by Cbrandis[/QUOTE]

    We shopped together, a couple of times, until we both found something we wanted.  They don't match or anything.  My band doesn't even really match my e-ring, but i love them so much anyway!
    My e-ring is a Hearts on Fire too!

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