FI and I purchased 5 extra cabins which are all within walking distance of the ceremony/reception in Grand Teton NP, figuring some people would like to stay near us. Evidently 6 open cabins in July is unheard of, so we also felt like we had to jump on it.
To book them, we had to pay 3 nights worth for 5 cabins - that's over $2800!
We alrady have 4 interested copules for the cabins. When is a proper time to start asking for payment?
FI mentioned we shouldn't ask until after we send out the invites (that's like March or April), but maybe people want to put the money down so they KNOW their lodging is already taken care of.
Plus people aren't going to wait until they get their invitation in April to book their hotel and airfare (DW for all). Guests should really be lining up their airfare and hotels starting Jan/Feb. I was thinking of asking in January, at least wait until after Christmas.