Attire & Accessories Forum

Should you mix long ties with bow ties...

My FH seems to be toying with the idea of having his groomsmen wear bowties while he wears a long tie. They are already going to be wearing different suits, (his light gray with no vest and a jacket, theirs charcoal with a vest and no jacket) and I'm worried with different ties, too, they won't look unified at all. Any thoughts, knotties? Has anyone seen this? I can't seem to find pics of it...
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Re: Should you mix long ties with bow ties...

  • If you can find a way to google some pictures like that it might be helpful.  I'm trying to visualize it and it's not coming out looking very cohesive to me at all.  In all fairness though, I'm not a bow tie fan either.
  • I think it's going to look silly.  Suits and bow ties don't mix.
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  • Obviously you all haven't seen Doctor Who. Bowties are cool.

    OP, I think it will look ok. You aren't really matching your BMs (I'm assuming) so I think as long as the GMs look about the same, they don't have to match the groom perfectly.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Should you mix long ties with bow ties...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Should you mix long ties with bow ties... : You think it looks cool, I think it makes them look like waiters.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    I misread the post and thought her FI would be wearing a bowtie with a jacket and the GMs would be wearing a regular tie with a vest, instead of the opposite.

    To me, this doesn't look like a waiter (even if you take the hat off)<img id="irc_mi" style="margin-top:66px;" src="" alt="" width="245" height="265" />
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Should you mix long ties with bow ties...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Should you mix long ties with bow ties... : Yes, but it is much more casual and that isn't a suit that happens to not have the jacket, it's an outfit made to be worn that way.  I did not get the impression that OP was going for the<strong> newsboy/Mumford and Sons look</strong>, but rather a clean classic suit, just without the jackets.   If your photo is what she's talking about, then I think it's fine, but her H is going to look really out place in a light gray suit with a long tie. 
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    I choked on my yogurt at the bolded.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Should you mix long ties with bow ties...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think it's going to look silly.  Suits and bow ties don't mix.
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>except for the people like me that wear a suit almost every day - and a bowtie!</div><div>
    </div><div>To answer your question - it will look wierd, especially since you have different suits, etc - all bow or all long ties

  • mp5kmp5k member
    Second Anniversary First Comment
    edited March 2013
    Wow, thanks for all the input, guys! I agree that in some cases, bowties can work with vests (like in that one newsie-style pic), but if it isn't done right, I can definitely see it looking unfinished, unbalanced, etc. Now to figure out how to convince the fiance that bowties are out... :)
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