Attire & Accessories Forum

who gets bouts?

So, who all should be getting a boutonierre?
I'm thinking forsure our parents and grandparents.
My brother is walking me down the aisle -- does he get one?
The GM and my FI all have just pocket squares, would it look weird or would his brothers (in the WP) feel bad if they didn't get a bout?
Should FI's sister get one? What about FI's brother's SERIOUS girlfriend?
Do the ushers have boutonierres?

Lots of questions =)


Re: who gets bouts?

  • Bride's dad, groom's dad, groom, groomsmen, bridesmen if you're having those, grandfathers. Since your brother is walking you down the aisle, give him a boutonierre. 

    Corsages: bride's mom, groom's mom, grandmothers

    Idk if ushers wear boutonierres. 
  • From the weddings I've been to the ushers wear boutonnières, might be just a preference though.
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