Attire & Accessories Forum

Dessy dresses - which colour?

Hi Ladies,

I've found a Dessy bridesmaid dress in chiffon that we all love, but can't decide on which colour to go for. It's a Winter wedding, and I wanted to steer clear of the cliches, so we've chosen to have our adult maids in dark purple, with the flower girl in ivory with a purple sash. The guys will wear pale pink ties and flowers will be ivory for the maids and ivory and pale pink for me. 

There are 3 possible colours from Dessy (Aubergine, African Violet and Concord). I really can't decide, I want something dark and rich but that won't look too severe. We'll all have tans as we live in Dubai, but the wedding will be in a Scottish castle. 

Has anyone seen dresses in any of these colours? Any recommendations? I've been waiting for swatches FOREVER and time is running out for me to decide. I might even have to order blind (ahhh).

Any opinions would be v gratefully received! :)

Re: Dessy dresses - which colour?

  • I've never seen them in person, but the good news is that Dessy specifies each color using the Pantone system on its website. That means that if your swatches don't arrive in time, you can view the colors at
  • Do you have a store by you that sells Dessy dresses? The store would have color swatches you could see.

    2. Based on the colors online, I would say African Violet pops more, but Concord seems more of a mature purple (if that makes sense). African Violet would look more fun and young next to a light pink, but Concord looks more mature. I'm not a big fan of the aubergine.

    3. Do you mind if I ask how much the Dessy dresses are costing your BMs?
    <img src="
  • I bought the guys ties from Dessy, and we had trouble deciding between Aubergine and Concord also. But all the men I showed it too really leaned towards the Aubergine.

    So thats what we went with, you can see them in my bio.

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  • I really like the Concord, it's very rich but not too harsh.  Personally, I think the African violet is a little too bright for a winter wedding and Aubergine looks kind of old to me if that makes any sense.
  • The dresses are about £160 each, sorry I don't know exactly what that would be in $. My bridesmaids are in the UK, Italy and Dubai so I'm taking their measurements, buying their dresses, posting them and hoping for the best!

    Thanks for everyone's opinions about the colours, I'm going to check out pantone's website. I just noticed that you can't get pashminas in concord though - only aubergine. Any suggestions on cover - up options for my girls if we opted for concord?

    ps. lovely pics kd joseph!
  • What about ivory, silver, or a pale pink? Any of those would coordinate with your color scheme.
  • Are you using any other accent colors other than the purple and ivory?  A nice champagne color, palomino, or even the charcoal gray or platinum on the website would look great with it and will add a little contrast.

    As far as price goes for Dessy BM dresses, the style dress my BMs and I chose are $280.  The material is silk shantung though, not chiffon.  There is probably a price difference because of the material.
  • edited August 2010
    I had Dessy chiffon dresses for my wedding that were in concord and I loved the color. 

    The concord is the truest purple of the bunch.  I believe the aubergine was a bit more of a wine color.  It was very pretty, but I was looking for a more regal purple.  If I were having a winter wedding, I probably would have gone with more of a wine color, but concord really worked with our venue and felt a little more summery because of the flower choices that went with it, but I think it would still work in winter.  I don't recall liking african violet at all, but I'm not 100% sure.

    Good luck!
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