Attire & Accessories Forum

Wow, this veil.

Hey ladies, 
I stumbled upon this veil and think it's gorgeous.  Any idea what these little embellishments could be? I'd like to get wear a cut edge cathedral drop veil but love this look and would like to incorporate it... 

Any ideas? 

Re: Wow, this veil.

  • For a closer look -- the pics are a ways down from the top...
  • Thanks, ILoveMilkDuds. I will definitely follow up w/ the photog :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Wow, this veil.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks, ILoveMilkDuds. I will definitely follow up w/ the photog :)
    Posted by ccandela[/QUOTE]
    I have never seen this kind of veil before my guess is she had a custom made to match her dress. You can ask your seamstress if she is able to do similar to this one. <div>I had mine make my veil and bolero for a cheaper price too.</div>
  • They look like organza petals sewn onto the veil.
    Ignorance is a poor defense. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • first of all those pictures are beautiful. they look like little bows in one of the pictures. it's a gorgeous veil and dress..i would definitely ask the photog though
  • I saw a veil like that at Priscilla of Boston. It was amazingly gorgeous. Good luck finding it. Let us know how it goes!
  • They are organza petals, the kind you get from a millinery supplier, that have been cut into 4-5 petal flower shaps but are intended to be made into flowers. No beading or crystals.
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