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ADVICE?! Off the Rack Wedding Dress...

I fell in LOVE with a dress and its the LAST one; off the rack! It fits perfectly and its everything I wanted!

Im concerned about it being worn by a ton of women, and if there are any stitches being loose. How to get it cleaned? Etc?

Is it a good idea to get a dress that is off the rack? Or should I keep looking???
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Re: ADVICE?! Off the Rack Wedding Dress...

  • Well, for starters, you should get a discount.

    I would triple check the dress over, but it's it's what you want, I'd go for it! Don't let other women trying it on change that.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:96a9dcf8-a082-4aa8-abab-e6275c9a7ad5Post:0d9f8073-d16c-43d9-b548-b49063202017">Re: ADVICE?! Off the Rack Wedding Dress...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, for starters, you should get a discount. I would triple check the dress over, but it's it's what you want, I'd go for it! Don't let other women trying it on change that.
    Posted by misssunshine17[/QUOTE]

    Im getting nearly 50% off on the dress!

    Thanks for the advice!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I wouldn't personally buy off the rack.  I saw way too many loose beads and make up stains on dresses when i was shopping.  I assume you've done a  search online for the dress?
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:96a9dcf8-a082-4aa8-abab-e6275c9a7ad5Post:2e49f518-f6e1-4ddf-b867-34171fcbb135">Re: ADVICE?! Off the Rack Wedding Dress...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wouldn't personally buy off the rack.  I saw way too many loose beads and make up stains on dresses when i was shopping.  I assume you've done a  search online for the dress?
    Posted by mlg78[/QUOTE]

    I actually tried the dress on at the store. I noticed a small makeup stain on the inside of the dress but other than that it was in great condition. I placed it on hold for two weeks and I go back tomorrow. I plan to inspect it over a few times before I make my final decision.

    I guess my concern is, how hard is it to get the dress cleaned? Where do you take it? Is it expensive? If there is anything that needs repairs, can an alterations place take care of that?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Triple check the dress and bring someone along to look it over as well, like your mom or friend. If the dress is in good condition and isnt a strange material, there are dry cleaners that will clean dresses. I would look around in your area for reputable dry cleaners that either specialize or are very familiar with cleaning wedding dresses. Ask the dress shop for a recommendation. 

    Normally it runs around $100 to have a dress cleaned. Could be more depending on the area you live in. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'd also add looking for the dress used online, however you still run the risk of wine or makeup stains.
  • In Response to <a href="">ADVICE?! Off the Rack Wedding Dress...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I fell in LOVE with a dress and its the LAST one; off the rack! It fits perfectly and its everything I wanted! Im concerned about it being worn by a ton of women, and if there are any stitches being loose. How to get it cleaned? Etc? Is it a good idea to get a dress that is off the rack? Or should I keep looking???
    Posted by ryanpaa10[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I too did this and got a crazy expsensive designer gown for much much less...</div><div>I think if its in good shape then awesome deal for you! ;)</div><div>
    </div><div>I would have alterations check it over good and def have it cleaned even if you can't tell its been tried on a ton, having it fresh will make you feel better I think plus it doesn't cost much and you saved buying it off the rack.</div>
    Christie + Chad ~June 8, 2013~
     CPT & mama to 9 kids, one SIL & a grandbaby girl!
  • try to get also veil and shoes additional to the discount "nearly 50%" is not enough....or keep looking... 
  • if its the last one, go for it!

    for my dress, I couldve got it off the rack for a small discount.. I opted to get one made brand new for full price, so I would be the only one to wear it!

    Good luck!
  • For 50% off; go for it.

    Does the salon do in house alterations? If so, most of them clean and press the dress for you and it's included in your alterations bill or they do it for a very small cost.
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