HI Ladies,
I'm embarrassed I haven't sent out my invites yet. I'm doing DIY ones from the Brides line at Michaels.
So, I'm not sure what needs to be capitalized and what doesn't. I really don't want to have all capital letters or all lowercase letters for the entire invitation. I used three different sources to pull my wording together, and am not sure it all flows together like it should. Suggestions welcomed!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
IHmm, so I don't know how to PIP. This is pretty close to actual formatting...
Together with their parents
First Middle Last name
First Middle Last name request the pleasure of your companyat their marriageSunday, the eighteenth of Julytwo thousand tentwo o’clock in the afternoonJY Windmill3 OC RoadPretty place, MAReception immediately following atThe Inn