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My dress! But I'm not sure my fiance will love it as much as I do...(PIP, long)

I decided to go to David's Bridal yesterday afternoon on a whim...I had not really seen too much online that I liked there, but I figured I'd take a look and then be able to decisively say that there wasn't anything there I liked.

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures. I can't find another picture of this style online, and I've never seen it's Oleg Cassini CT301, in case anyone has seen it in the stores. Please excuse my appearance...I'd had my hair in braids so I quickly pinned them up for the picture, and I didn't have on any makeup...remember, I stopped by on a lark! I didn't think I'd be buying my dress. :-)

Thanks for reading my very long post!

Re: My dress! But I'm not sure my fiance will love it as much as I do...(PIP, long)

  • I love the back of the dress. And You loving the dress is all that matters. I found that the lighting in Davids Bridal is not flattering at all for pictures. Dresses there look so different in person. So glad you found your dress at such a great price.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:a3f74aa3-cb58-4916-9569-cce7dbb231fcPost:9601e587-c0a8-4303-94de-4e413c0f0b8c">Re: My $150 dress! But I'm not sure my fiance will love it as much as I do...(PIP, long)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love the back of the dress. And You loving the dress is all that matters.<strong> I found that the lighting in Davids Bridal is not flattering at all for pictures.</strong> Dresses there look so different in person. So glad you found your dress at such a great price.
    Posted by erollis[/QUOTE]

    I couldn't agree more with this!  I LOVED the dress that I found at DB in person, but when I was showing other people the pictures, I wasn't as impressed.  I went with the dress anyway because of how it made me feel,  and when we took pics of it at home, it looked MUCH MUCH better.

    Did FI say there was anything in particular he didn't like?  I absolutely LOVE the back BTW.  If you love it and feel good in it, wear it.  You'll be glowing on your wedding day!  Congrats on finding such an awesome dress at an UNBELIEVEABLE price   ;-)
    image Final Count: 80 Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I think its pretty, and like PPs said- as long as you love it then thats all that matters.
    I don't think guys really get too excited about wedding dresses anyways. LOL
  • Don't worry about it. He'll be wowed on your wedding day when he sees you coming down the aisle, and that's more important than what he thinks of it right this minute. Most of my family hated my in-shop photos of my dress, but loved it the day of.
  • I say it was definitely meant to be - you are absolutely stunning in that gown!  Your FI probably had other stuff on his mind that day, so dont worry about it.  He will be wowed when you are walking down the aisle to him.

  • I think it's beautiful, and you're all fixed up and coming down aisle I'm sure he will think the same. If not, someone should smack him upside the head!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Wow that's great!! I also love the back of the dress.  I found when I was dress shopping the part I always wanted to look the best was the back, for whatever reason.  Congrats!!
  • it's absolutely beautiful! and stop being so insecure - you look great! even with no makeup and what not...

    do you know what sort of gowns he likes? like what styles? is there something you could add to this dress, or alter, that would add a touch of what he is into? regardless, like everyone said, he will think you are gorgeous on your wedding day!
  • Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your comments and opinions. My mom and best friend live out of state and I kind of missed the chance to get additional feedback (besides the consultant's) while I was there in the store. :-)

    I really do know and believe that my FI will think I'm beautiful no matter what. Well, he already thinks that, but I mean on the wedding day. :-) I think mostly I was a tad disappointed that he didn't share my excitement about the amazing deal I got on my dress and my surprise/excitement about finding my dream dress in such an unexpected way...but there could be any number of reasons for that (long day at work, etc) and you gals have shared in my excitement, so I'm set! Hah!

    Thanks again for the compliments! Now, to find shoes and hair accessories...
  • gorgeous dress! this sounds meant to be to me!
  • OMG that dress is gorgeous!
    <img src="
  • Congratulations on the complete and total SCORE on your gown!!!!  It is stunning and you look fabulous in it!!!!!

    When it comes to your FI being excited about your dress, you need to ask yourself one question.... Is there ANYTHING in your closet that he has EVER gotten excited over?  Not to make a ridicuous broad statement, but I dont think men are wired that day.  I am sure that when he sees you smiling broadly on your wedding day, he is going to be wowed! 

  • Your dress is awesome! I agree with the previous posters - this is about how YOU feel in your dress, it's unique, and something that's meant to be!!  Remember, this was a $1,000 dress!  Just because you got it for a steal doesn't diminish the fact that you are beautiful in a beautiful dress!

    Hope that helps, and I'm pretty sure your fiance will love it :)

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
  • I love this dress on pretty!

    The price tag makes me LOVE it more!!

    He'll be speechless!
  • your dress is beautiful! And I always find it kind of crazy when women bring their fiances to look for dresses. It isnt about what he likes, its about YOU and what YOU like! He will think you look stunning in anything you get anyway! So I say make him wait to see you walking down the aisle and suprise him!
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