Attire & Accessories Forum

Diamond White/Ivory/White... dress/table linens

So, right now, the contendor for my dress is a diamond white maggie dress.. which the lady said was very similar to ivory.. but reading on here, I see that people are getting white veils.

My question is this-- I'm having white table clothes with apple green damask table runners. Would diamond white look bad with this? Should I use all damask for the sweetheart table so that it's not obvious? Is it not going to be obvious because of it being fairly dim in the ballroom? I was kinda banking on no one noticing, but now I'm worried.

The thing is, they didn't have a diamond white, white, and ivory dress there for me to compare colors. I think all i saw was diamond white and I can't remember how yellow it was.
Disclaimer: Please excuse the above comment. I'm probably freaking out because there is less than one month to go. Thank you.
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Our Huge Planning Blog :) * Updated 06/11

July 2011 Bride

Re: Diamond White/Ivory/White... dress/table linens

  • No. It will not look bad. I think the mod has a sticky at the top about the different whites etc and them matching.
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  • No one is going to notice/care if your table cloth is not an exact match to your dress.  My dress is Ivory, I picked white lines for my venue.  There was the option of ivory, their ivory was ugly. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • No one will care about the tableclothes and your dress.

    And for what it's worth, I had a maggie Sottero diamond white dress and my veil was ivory. It all depends on the veil designer.
  • No one will care or probably even notice! My dress is oyster so it will be obviously different than our white linens, cream flowers, and ivory cake, but who cares? Pick the color you love!
  • Do you honestly think people will be comparing your dress to the linens?  Seriously?  Is there any other occasion in your life where the guests of honor are expected to match the tablecloths?

    White is white.  No one really cares except stressed-out brides.
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    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • agree with PP, it won't matter.
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  • edited August 2010
    Well, let's just say I'm not a pro-bride that has been on here enough to post and read through thousands and thousands of threads... not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm sure there were some "duh, no s#it" things you have wondered back in your triple digit days of posting. I realize some people match the flowers with the ribbon, match the table runners with the bridesmaids, etc, etc. I guess I was wondering where the line was drawn. And, by the way, look at my sig. Does it freakin' look like I'm worried too much about matching? Nah....

    But, seriously, thanks for the slap in the face, everyone. Guess I was just temporarily concermed with breaking some sort of unknown rule.. I have not attended many weddings in my life, I suppose.
    Disclaimer: Please excuse the above comment. I'm probably freaking out because there is less than one month to go. Thank you.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Our Huge Planning Blog :) * Updated 06/11

    July 2011 Bride
  • I don't really think any of the responses were meant to be a slap in the face except for maybe one. You asked the question, and everyone pretty much just said that no, no one would care....
  • Ohh.. no, no, no! I meant that in a good way :) Like "wake up call" ..  I see how that can be read, but I totally meant it positively :) sorry!
    Disclaimer: Please excuse the above comment. I'm probably freaking out because there is less than one month to go. Thank you.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Our Huge Planning Blog :) * Updated 06/11

    July 2011 Bride
  • You will def get to know quickly who the people on here are that have been on here 3 years and always have something nasty to say. They stalk these boards and will comment on every post you make in a negative way. I actually posted a similar question while back b/c I'm no  "pro-bride" and got some similar rude comments.  If I were you, I  would block certain people.

    As far as your question, I am having an ivory dress and white linens. The way I'm thinking of it is that it is going to be dim and no one is really going to notice. Ivory is just another shade of white and the contrast might actually add a little more depth to the decor...think highlights in your hair.

  • Thanks :) I finally saw an ivory dress yesterday for the first time, and indeed it is quite white so I definitely feel better!
    Disclaimer: Please excuse the above comment. I'm probably freaking out because there is less than one month to go. Thank you.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Our Huge Planning Blog :) * Updated 06/11

    July 2011 Bride
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