Attire & Accessories Forum

Tom's Shoes and Wayfarer Sunglasses

Sorry to write another post so soon, but I just thought of an idea for wedding accessories and thought I'd ask what people thought!

So, once again, here is my dress:

I have been thinking about some interesting things I could do for the wedding.  I'm an outside-the-box sort of girl, so unique things that fit mine and my FI's personality has been a big sticking point for wedding planning.  I've always wanted to buy a pair of Tom's Shoes. 1) Because they are cute and 2) because Tom's Shoes is a great cause.  So, I was looking on the website today when I noticed a link under the women's section for wedding shoes.  I immediately clicked the link, and while the shoes don't look like typical wedding shoes, it did give me a thought.  What if I wore a pair of Tom's Shoes under my wedding dress?!

Granted, I know that it isn't typical and I know it might look silly.  Originally, my only thought towards wedding shoes was that I wanted to get a pair that I could wear again after the ceremony.  Some sparkly high heels would work easily with my cocktail dresses.  However, I've always wanted a pair of Tom's Shoes and these would also fall under that "wear again" category.  Here are the shoes I'm thinking of:

There is also a pair of plain white canvas shoes, and if you check the website, they have pictures of brides wearing the shoes with their gowns and it actually looks really nice!  What are your thoughts?  Would my gown go together with these shoes?  They won't really be seen, but I thought I'd ask.

The other question I had is about my dress and purple wayfarers (well, knockoffs, anyway!).  I had an idea that when my FI and I are introduced at the wedding reception we could walk in to 'Notorious' by Duran Duran and wearing sunglasses like this:


Thanks in advance for your ideas!  I know I'm a little out of the box with these, but I thought they might be cute! :)
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