Attire & Accessories Forum

dont go to L&H for outside alterations

welp so much for a fun experience of getting my alterations started! I went to my appointment at L&H bridal, where I started my dress shopping and where my sister got her dress from along with alterations so they kind of know us. I go in make small talk with the women, then go up and put my dress on and wait for the women to do alterations to come in. As im standing there all excited in walks the ...women with the look of total disgust on her with her arms folded, proceeds to tell me (basically yelling at me) that I might as well just spit in her face because I didnt buy a dress from her and How dare I bring a dress that she has and that I "tired on" in here and ask to "fix it". OKAY, you knew who I was when I called and asked you about outside alterations, YOU knew that I bought a dress elsewhere, If you didnt want to do alterations to a dress that I bought elsewhere you could have told me before I came. but NO you waited until I was there in my dress excited about my alterations to basically spit in my face and make me feel terrible about even going there! HOW dare her make a bride feel that way! I dont understand why you would talk to someone the way she did to me! I was in tears! I didnt even know what to say. I just told her to forget it Ill take my business elsewhere and stood in the dressing room crying in my wedding gown!! because of how awful she talked and made me feel! I DO NOT recommend L&H bridal for anything!! Thanks for making me feel horrible and ruining what should of been a fun experience!!!

Re: dont go to L&H for outside alterations

  • 1) This is against TK's TOS.

    2) It was your bad judgement that caused this.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:ba64b5ad-5bd6-4a52-ba9c-4fc6f3e13824Post:51668c9f-8b07-4da1-abc6-526c4acb917b">Re: dont go to L&H for outside alterations</a>:
    [QUOTE]1) This is against TK's TOS. 2) It was your bad judgement that caused this.
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]
    My bad judgement? I had called before to set up an appointment, and they told me I could come in. They lead me to believe that they were okay with doing my alterations but had other things in mind once I go there.
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